Is Remote Work Helpful in Any Aspect?

7th June, 2024

Is it Better for Employees to Work from Home?

After Covid-19, remote work facilities have become quite popular. Now, employees are looking for remote or hybrid options in their companies. People are prioritizing this more rather than going to the office regularly because it has much more flexibility for the employees. Most of the employees do not prefer 9-to-5 job options. No one is willing to dedicate a specific time where they need to go to their office to do their job. Now it is coming to see that companies are losing many efficient candidates due to not providing remote or hybrid work facilities. Let’s understand the remote work demand over the past few years-

  • 2015:

In the time of 2015, nearly 37% of employees demanded remote work. Before that, in 2006 a total of 30% demanded the same thing. With the help of advanced technology, telecommunication has become much more hassle-free. During this time, companies offered occasional remote work facilities to their employees.

  • 2017-2018:

In the United States of America work scenario, more than 25% of people work remotely. A large number of employees may not get to work remotely regularly but they get the opportunity to do it on occasional days.

  • 2022:

In the post-pandemic situation, a total of 34% of employees are doing remote work. According to the data, the number of remote employees has increased much compared to the previous time.

  • 2023:

According to the data of 2023, the total percentage of remote employees has increased up to 35%. This number of employees can work remotely all the time. On the other hand, it is coming to see that a total of 41% of people are comfortable working in a hybrid schedule. With each passing day, the numbers are increasing thus, it is clear that employees are now much more comfortable with remote work.

Remote work is not only helpful for the employees but a company also has many benefits. Some of the significant benefits of remote work are-

1. Boost Productivity:

It is seen that employees who are working from their homes are much more productive. Their productivity level is much higher than other employees. Their efficiency has increased much more, which is a great benefit for the organizations. When one is doing work from home, one doesn’t need to travel to their office. Along with that, they do not need to get more engaged with office chatter, which is a perk for the employees. Thus, they can complete their tasks in less time and that is what increases their productivity.

2. Reduce Cost:

When employees are doing remote jobs, companies do not need to spend more money on maintenance. During this time, the daily operating costs decrease. In addition to that, the rental cost, cleaning cost, and other expenses like supply restocking utilities, and equipment are cut. And this can be really helpful for the companies. If they do not need to spend all this money, then it can be quite efficient to run a company. Thus, remote work is not only helpful for the employees but for the organizations too.

3. Lower Absenteeism:

Employees who are doing remote work tend not to take any day off. Even if they are a little sick, they do not need to think about making others sick by going to the office. They have the flexibility where they can accomplish their work without taking any leave. Therefore, it reduces absenteeism in the workplace, which is quite assisting for organizations.

The demand for remote work is increasing daily. It has many perks for both the employees and companies. Thus, offering remote work facilities can be really helpful.

Tags: Is it Better for Employees to Work from Home, Is it Better to Work from Home or Office, Are Employees More Effective Working from Home, Is Remote Work More Beneficial, Is Remote Work from Home Good or Bad