Is Social Media That Important? How Often Should Your Business Post?

19th June, 2024

How Often Should Businesses Post on Social Media?

Having a business in 2024 requires you to post on social media and take it online. It is a huge space where your business can flourish and make it happen overseas. However, it is equally competitive where posting on social media and running social media marketing campaigns can serve as an aid. But how often should your business post online? It is a trick question that if figured out, can take a business to its heights. Especially with the changing rules of engagement, algorithms, and updates with new features, it is quite difficult to understand. So let’s make an attempt today.

  • Instagram

Experts at several social media teams have recommended posting around 3-5 times per week on Instagram. Posting at least 3 times on the social media platform would have the potential to bring up the engagement but the post should be of mixed variants. This means you need to post a mix of content such as reels, carousels, static posts, etc. as using different content types is extremely important if you post more than just three times a week. On the other hand, Instagram stories can be uploaded more times, you can even go for 2 Stories per day. Posting more frequently on the platform means your chances of showing up on others' explore feeds increase. At the same time, it also increases your chances of being featured in different accounts or appearing at the top with the keywords that you use in your posts too often. Posting while maintaining a regularity is also a great way to test what resonates with your audience.

  • Facebook

While organic reach is down on every social media platform, Facebook seems to be the hardest to crack for any business, but that does not mean it is important when you want to grow your audience. According to social media experts, it is best to post 1-2 times per week on Facebook. This would help businesses stay present in the minds of their audiences. It is also the perfect amount as it prevents businesses from overwhelming the feeds of Facebook audiences. To make sure your content is regular, the best advice would be to make a content calendar that will help you stay organized. While posting on Facebook, make sure to craft your content keeping in mind that it is the world's third most-visited website. At the same time, more than half of Facebook users take action after seeing a story from a business.

  • Twitter

Twitter is equivalent to new websites for business, things move rather faster on the platform. Every content has a short lifespan on Twitter (now X), so you will need to post a little more often here than you do on other social media platforms. The ideal frequency would be 2-3 times per day on Twitter. The more you post on X, the more likely you are to appear on anyone's feed because this is the one place where quantity is bigger than quality. If you want to keep your brand's presence active on Twitter, you would need someone to commit to full-time tweeting. There are many power users out on the platform who post around 50-100 tweets per day, so if you cannot beat them, at least try to reach 2-3 times per day target.

  • LinkedIn

According to LinkedIn experts, businesses who post weekly see a 2x  increase in engagement on the platform.  So your ideal goal would be to post 1-2 times per day on LinkedIn, which should also include the weekends. While posting, keep in your mind that LinkedIn posts can stay for a long time in users' feeds. This is because when someone engages with your post, it will show in their connections' feeds as well.

However, do not forget to track your posts and see how they perform every week.

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