Journalists Give a Professional Edge to Contents as Engagement is Key. Period!

6th May, 2020

Journalists Give a Professional Edge to Contents as Engagement

  • The sector can flourish with a better understanding of reading. The foremost skill that a content writer must possess is researching and reading. Industry website magazines can be bookmarked to keep you updated.

  • One can garner substantial edge as far as the professional approach is concerned if they learn to think like the reader. Awareness, trust, and engagement can be enhanced through this approach. Readers must be kept in mind while writing articles, social media posts, press releases, and drafts.

  • The headlines must be gripping headlines with absorbing subheads and the content has to be structured in such a way that it follows suit. A journalistic writing style has to be followed to make the headline sharp and crisp. At the same time, it should be catchy and informative. The subsequent paragraphs should follow the same approach and each of it must have a short subhead. While writing, the style of the inverted pyramid must be followed where the conclusion appears at the beginning and then comes the information to back it.

  • Multimedia must be incorporated as pictures have got more potential to attract the eyeballs that words. The potency of visuals is 60,000 times better and faster. With the use of videos, pictures and infographics in articles can engage readers for a longer span. Generally speaking, there must be at least on GIF, infographic and image which is aligned to your story so that the maximum number of readers is attracted.


There are 4 major ways in which content is written by marketers that are very appealing for journalists. They are as follows:



1. Research and Read:

  • Features

This is the primary skill set that must be imbibed by a marketing professional who is reading and researching about the subject. The subject can be understood better through thorough and intensive reading as avenues are opened up to adapt different styles of writing. Popular magazines and major websites can be bookmarked which are industry specific so that they get acquainted with new rules, policies and latest developments and realize the viewpoints and notions of other persons.  


  • Advantages

Professionals are greatly helped by research through which they garner confidence and can have a word with journalists and brand managers related to the ideas for the story the company has dished out. Moreover, to serve the purpose of the customers, documents are created in the form of case studies, interviews, and press releases. A rational view of the brand can be presented as the various aspects are covered.


  • Benefits

With practice, the habit of thinking and reading are developed. One can start each topic by reading, or an interview or a single story. One can express their views through writing. This will give the professionals a chance to contemplate differently and narrate the entire story dissimilarly with a unique conclusion.



2. Contemplate Like Reader

  • Features

A professional edge can be achieved by thinking as a reader as respective brands are connected with the prospective customers by following such an approach. This can foster trust and engagement.


  • Advantages

There are both positives and negatives while working on several brands. In-depth knowledge comes as an advantage concerning the sector and company. Professionals can easily adapt to the nature of the communication of a particular company.


  • Disadvantages

Nevertheless, the disadvantages are that content sales might be drafted. The news of the company gets more focus rather than the needs of the audience. Therefore, it said to think as a reader while writing rather than thinking about the brand.


  • Benefits

Another advantage is that the focus of the story is easy to be understood by the audience as it is relatable and also it focuses on the company’s perspective. The thing goes the same way for the journalists. Thus by keeping the audience in mind, the articles, posts on social media and press releases are drafted.



3. Content is Structured

  • Features

With the availability of abundant information, that is available the news might lose its theme. So, a journalistic writing style is followed where sharp and crisp headlines are drafted that are catchy, short and informative. The eyeballs are grabbed by the headlines as it is the primary content. Boundaries are set and a structure is provided to the article in its entirety through this aspect.


  • Advantages

Subsequent paragraphs should follow this approach by using subheads. This will create curiosity among readers. The inquisitiveness will help in skimming the story. This is a tried and tested technique in the prevalent world of the web.


  • Benefits

Maximum readership is attracted by using the style of the inverted pyramid that begins with the conclusion with doses of information to back it all the way. This is a popular trend among journalists as it is adopted for both web stories and newspapers. The crux can be easily understood by the readers even if they halt while reading it awakening the reader’s interest.



4. Multimedia

  • Features

A proper search can generate leads up to a million. Every brand is fighting to win over with a single article and story in which the readers are interested in the various available options. Texts are incorporated with multimedia as it is a vital cog in the wheel. Pictures are registered on the reader's mind more than any text by a considerable 60,000 times.


  • Advantages

Engagement for a long span can be increased by using videos, pictures, and infographics. Tools of multimedia help stories in cases where it is loaded with information that is complex and has got a lot of statistics as data to go with it. Charts and graphs reused to reduce confusion so that the information can be explained quite simply. The tools also can break the texts to enhance the readability of the content.


  • Benefits

A Gif along with infographics and image can attract more readers and make your story look good. A preferred style is used by journalists as the story gets to its simplest form engaging numerous readers.

Tags: Write Valuable Content for A Journalist, Make Killer Content