People-Oriented Vs Task-Oriented Leadership: Know How to Balance and Execute Them

12th July, 2024

Balancing Task and People-Oriented Leadership

Balancing out every aspect of celebrating your workplace will require the perfect combination of People-Oriented Leadership and Task-Oriented Leadership. These two are quite opposite from each other, yet, the balance of the two is essential to make your workplace a better place for your employees without compromising on your business growth. Let’s understand these popular styles of leadership first.

What is People-Oriented Leadership?

This process solely focuses on the development and well-being of team members. It prioritizes building a thriving relationship between employees and maintaining a supportive ambiance amongst workers.

  • Features of People-Oriented Leadership:

  1. Working on better relationships between team members
  2. Fostering a positive and supportive work environment
  3. Active listening skills
  4. Valuing opinion and considering fresh ideas
  5. Focusing on employee growth and skill development
  • Benefits of People-Oriented Leadership:

  1. Better Job Satisfaction
  2. Optimistic working culture
  3. Enhances Employee engagement
  4. Easier Employee Retention

It increases employee satisfaction. This is a great way to bring a more sustained employee ratio along with job satisfaction. Celebrating your employees opens up new doors to create sustainable and better productivity and growth for the future.

What is Task-Oriented Leadership?

This process mainly focuses on how to complete a project within the deadline. The measures for this process are efficacy, productivity, and achieving goals. Through this, a company will grow and open more doors of opportunities as an organization.

  • Features of Task-Oriented Leadership:

  1. Meeting deadlines through the completion of the project
  2. Achieving targeted goals for the company
  3. Reaching to decision with minimal input and maximum productivity
  4. Values efficiency above everything
  • Benefits of Task-Oriented Leadership:

  1. Better Efficacy
  2. Straightforward Directions
  3. Smooth Completion of the Project
  4. Improved Executions

This process impacts the organization optimally. Emphasizing deadlines will allow you to have a more productive workforce at your workplace. With better creative outbursts your company is bound to gain more productivity and growth.

Integrating People-Oriented & Task-Oriented Leadership

While People-Oriented Leadership focuses on the needs of every person and Task-Oriented Leadership is all about completing a task, these both seem to be very important for any organization. The main motive is to balance them out to create a thriving workplace. Here are some simple yet effective ways to balance these two aspects of successful leadership.

  • Understanding Your Team

The only way you can start to gain better employee satisfaction and offer them better growth at their workplace is by understanding them and their needs. For that, you can offer feedback forms to your employees or personally talk to them. With better and productive communication this bridge can be built with time. They should be feeling like they are heard and understood otherwise expecting their dedication might not be a great idea.

  • Opt for Both Leadership Styles

These two aspects are important for an organization; you will have to be mindful of when to communicate with your employees and when to push for better productivity. The latter aspect can only be effective if you have successfully established productive communication with your employees. They need to know that their work will be paid off if they strive to work towards the goal. Running an organization has to be a balance of these two aspects, you will need to start talking to them and make sure that they are being heard and at the same time appreciate their work.

Starting to use these leadership measures at your workplace should be a great way to initiate a fruitful outcome for your employees. With satisfied employees, you will be gaining to have better prospects for your business. With their driven nature you will be gaining more productivity.

Tags: Balancing Task and People-Oriented Leadership, How to Balance Tasks and People