Post Holiday Office Hygiene to Keep Employees Away from Falling Sick

13th January, 2024

Prevent Employees from Getting Sick

Maintaining office hygiene is a collaborative venture. Every office needs to increase its daily cleaning routine to keep the place germ-free. Also, employees must stay at home if they are suffering from any sort of contagious disease so that no fellow worker gets infected. After a long holiday when finally, it’s time to get back to work, the office premises must get cleaned with extra care as germs grow faster in areas that have not been accessed for a few days or so.

Essential Cleaning Routine

The cleaning must include every corner of the office mostly the common areas. Along with it, you also need to make sure that employees are educated on how to manage their waste properly, here’s what you can do:

1. The Kitchen and Common Areas

The employees are a part of this sustained and prolonged cleaning venture.And while the office has been shut for a long time, they have to make sure that food waste is not scattered or dumped anywhere in the kitchen area or the common areas otherwise it can lead to a lot of germs and bacteria, which will disrupt the hygiene of a workplace.

2. The Fridge

Most of the time, an office fridge becomes a communal dumpster. The fridge is not taken care of by anyone and no one takes the responsibility to clean or maintain the hygiene of the fridge. And this can also lead to various diseases. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of the fridge is very necessary and the temperature of the fridge should be 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Birthday Cakes

This is a nice gesture to celebrate the birthday of your employees. However, in most cases, candles are blown out by the persona, and in most cases, the cake is handled by an ungloved person. And this should be changed!If you are taking care of hygiene, please try to restrain yourself from blowing the candle and wear gloves while cutting the cake. These are basic protocols that a workplace has to maintain. Yes, it takes away the personal touch, but in this case, the personal touch is often translated to the blown-out residue of your saliva and germs from unclean hands.

4. The Dirty Dishcloths

The office also has to make sure that the dishcloth they use is clean and fresh. Cleaning a surface with a dirty dishcloth will infect the surface further. If you are willing to keep your surface clean then try to ensure that the cleaning cloth is clean first.

5. Unwashed Dishes

Every office has its utensils and everyone uses these utensils as per their needs and convenience. And the employees are responsible for cleaning the dishes. After they are done using a particular utensil, they must wash it and keep it in its designated place. And they must clean it before they use the utensil to have food, or just to sip on their coffee.

6. Preventing Pests

Another office management work that has to be done properly and regularly is preventing pests. From unclean and unhygienic places insects start to grow, and if you don’t want to keep your office free from insects then you need to introduce daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning programs.

  • The daily cleaning must include Cleaning Trash bins and Cleaning Bathroom.
  • Once in a while your office must invest in Professional Pest Control to keep your office free from bugs.

Every organization should have their cleaning and employee education gathering to make sure they can collectively keep their office clean and free from pests and how to maintain a hygienic workplace so that people don’t fall sick.

Tags: Prevent Employees from Getting Sick, How Can You Prevent Getting Sick at Work, How Do You Deal with Sickness at Work