Press Release Writing Format: Can you Include Bullet Points in it?

9th January, 2024

Press Release Writing

Press releases are text-based brand announcements that convey important information and news to the media. The aim of publishing a press release is to let people know of any newsworthy event and gain positive media coverage. The traditional form of these announcements is based on and includes paragraph style conveying the information. However, with time, communication styles have also evolved along with other things. With this, the attention span of human beings has also shortened. So it has become a question to wonder whether it is acceptable for bullet points to be included in press releases.

When it comes to press release writing, is it acceptable to use bullet points and other updated formatting styles? Let’s figure out whether including this will make it more effective to communicate the message.

Traditional Press Release Writing Style -

Before moving on to the discussion of whether bullet points should be included or not, let's get to know what traditional press releases were like. The traditional PR (Press Release) has always followed a standard format which somehow still followed. Previously press releases included an attention-grabbing and attractive headline. This was followed by a concise introduction of the content and then subsequent paragraphs containing more details and quotes from industry experts. This format followed a storytelling approach with a narrative flow, which has proven to be extremely effective in engaging readers. This format is also proven to be most effective in case of sharing context for the news that is being shared through the press release.

Now do bullet points really go with a formal announcement than a press release? Especially, when bullet points are associated with quick summaries of information and lists. When you use bullet points it is always used to present a shortened version of the content, such as quickly listing the key features of a product. So when you write a press release, using bullet points might be unusual, but not unheard of.

Here are some factors that you need to consider before you add bullet points to your press release format -

  • Information Nature -

People use bullet points to convey concise information that is standalone most of the time. So if your press release contains a big list of statistics, notable points, or very specific details, you can use bullet points. This will make the content easier to read and understand for the readers while also helping them remember the information for a longer period.

  • Industry Norms -

Before moving forward with the bullet points and including them in your PR content, consider the expectations and preferences of your target audience along with the norms of the industry. If you are in the industry of finance or technology, bullet points are more expectable and people are more likely to be receptive to the bullet points in the press release content. This happens due to often dealing with data-driven and technical information that is presented in a summarized form in front of them. However, if you are from an industry that still prefers a storytelling approach, such as the lifestyle industry, people might still go for the traditional paragraph format of a PR.

  • Scannability and Readability -

The world of advanced technology is extremely fast-paced, which shortens the attention span of people. This is why readers often skip through most of the content, scanning for important information instead of ready every word. In this case, bullet points can prove to be extremely helpful as they break down large blocks of text in the press release and make it more scannable. Using bullet points will also help you draw attention to key information which makes it easier for readers, who are often busy journalists, to quickly grasp the principal points of the content.

  • Visual Appeal -

When you incorporate bullet points in your press releases, you are enhancing the visual appeal of the content. Bullet points create white space which improves readability and makes the content more visually attractive. When you use those purposefully and sparingly, bullet points help emphasize important information along with creating more organized and visually balanced content.

If you decide to use bullet points in your press release content, make sure you are using them amply and purposefully placing them.

Tags: Press Release Writing, Write a Press Release, Press Release Writing Format