Should You Hire Expert PR Writers? Pros and Cons

30th July, 2024

Hire Expert PR Writers

Public relations might be a new thing or not your strongest pursuit, but it gets businesses a lot of benefits, and press releases are a part of the most successful public relations strategy. However, most people still are not sure how to use them to their advantage, especially in this digital sphere.

Using press releases are an instrument or tool of public relations you can achieve an- 

❖ Increased brand awareness

❖ Increased organic web traffic

❖ Boosted SEO rankings

❖ News leads and customers for the business

Depending on which information you want to use to communicate with your target audience, there are different kinds of press releases. They are -

➔ Book press releases

➔ Event press releases

➔ Rebranding press releases

➔ Product launch press releases

➔ Business press releases

➔ Award press releases

➔ Partnership press releases

➔ Crisis press releases

Now that you have understood why press releases are important for your business, the question that remains is whether you should hire expert PR writers. Now let’s figure out its various pros and cons.

Advantages of Hiring PR Expert Writers -

Do you think hiring expert PR writers is the right step for your brand? Well, decide to know the advantages.

  • Saved Money - This might sound like a gimmick because by hiring professional writers you are spending more money than needed, but in actuality, hiring writers for your press releases saves you money in the long term. Working with a professional comes with the guarantee that your vision will be reflected in the writing and by paying them for their work, you will have engaging press releases that have better chances of being successful and effective.
  • Saved Time - You can gather all the necessary details for your story, find a professional writer, and send them the details. You can then continue with your day at the business looking after operations and other major stuff and the writing will be done in time. Sure, you could have written that yourself but you also need to do a lot of market research, format research, maintain a tone while writing, and keep the content concise. That will take you so much time that otherwise, could be invested somewhere else.
  • Higher Quality - Working with a professional means there is a guarantee that the writing will be better, and will be of top quality. The content will also be grammatical error-free, proofread, and will maintain the right format, tone, and storytelling. This is literally what the writers do as their jobs. So, you are likely to get higher quality press release content when you hire a professional writer, much similar to how your drainage would work better if you hire a plumber instead of doing it yourself.
  • A Chance to Rewrite It - When you work with a professional writer, most of the time you get the option for free revisions. So, if you think the writing does not reflect your story the right way, you can make them rewrite it and fit it to your liking. This means you can make changes, minor or major, until you as a customer are completely satisfied.

Disadvantages of Hiring Writers for PR -

Apart from the pros, the disadvantages of hiring someone to write your brand’s press release might include -

  • Cost - Yes, going with a professional service of any kind would cost you money. So, when you are hiring a professional writer for your press release, it will cost you. If you are an exceptional writer yourself and know the rules and format of a press release, take a whole weekend and do it yourself, saving you some money.
  • Incomplete Brief - When you are working with an expert PR writer, giving them an incomplete brief about the announcement could mean the important points are lost. This would result in multiple rewrites, causing you trouble and costing you extra time.

Even though there are some disadvantages to working with a professional writer, choosing a reputed writing service could mitigate a few of them. While choosing the service, make sure they have a strong distribution network as well so that the PR campaign can bring out the best results.

Tags: Hire Expert PR Writers, Best Expert PR Writers, Top Expert PR Writers