Successfully Write SEO-friendly Press Releases for Your Business

27th October, 2023

SEO-friendly Press Releases

A company needs to be communicative with its audience. This will also ensure that everyone has their attention to your business and everything you have shared. Whether it is a gripping story or achievement news, a well-written and well-optimized press release following a proper structure will always be helpful for your business. Here are some benefits that you can acquire from PRs.

  • Better visibility
  • Better Credibility
  • More SEO
  • Turn into a Lead Generating Machine
  • Establish Leadership
  • Maintain and Good Relationship with the Media
  • Increased Web Traffic
  • Capable to Reach Your Target Audience

Press releases are a part of content marketing and are prone to deliver engaging impressions on your target audience. Through SEO-friendly press releases you will be able to transform your qualities into something incredibly fascinating for your company. But some basic structural distinguishing measures have to be added to these press releases. The following steps are the best ways to make your press release offer you a stunning outcome.

1. Write Something Newsworthy

Write Something Newsworthy

Press releases are the best way you can elevate your company to a great customer base. Here are some topics that can give you the proper opportunity to write a press release. These topics will ensure your business's credibility to the broader market. The topics are:

  • Achievements by the company or any personnel
  • Information Resources
  • Special events of the company
  • Charitable donations made by the company
  • Awards won by the company or given by the company
  • Giveaways or promotional gestures
  • New product launch or addition of new services
  • Improvements in products or expansion of services
  • Staff changes within the Organization
  • Opening for a New Office
  • Discount Offers
  • Business Collaboration
  • Company Mergers

These are the topics that will help you to reach more people. These topics are considered newsworthy because these topics will engage the audience. The best way to reach more people is by getting them to see what your true interests are, these options will help you to reach your target audience and also build your business credibility.

2. Basic Structure of Press Release

Basic Structure of Press Release

Next in the step, you will have to worry about the structure of a press release. A press release is segregated into three parts, and each part will help you to make your press release a bit more popular for your audience. The merit of writing is important but stating whatever is happening in your company is the best way to reach more audience. A proper press release structure is divided into 10 steps, which are:

  • Offer your Company Logo
  • Provide Contact Information
  • Mention the Release Date
  • Give a Buzz-worthy Title
  • Gripping Sub-header or Summary
  • State Occurrence Date, Time, and Place of the Topic
  • Be more elaborative in the First Paragraph
  • Add a second paragraph with a relevant quotation
  • Write a third and sometimes fourth paragraph, as per your requirement of the news
  • Offer a Boilerplate
  • Use Photos and Multimedia to entice more audience

These are the basic steps to write a press release effectively. This is something that will allow you and your business to bring more attention to your business and make you extremely popular amongst business journalists. Remember that, if you are not vouching for a tailor-made press release package you will have to go for journalists and you have to make a press release that will entice journalists.

3. Optimize Within First 250 Words

Optimize Within First 250 Words

Another extremely popular and effective way to have better online visibility is by adding keywords to your press release. Make sure that your press release is optimized in the first 250 words at least. You can also go for a long-tailed press release keyword for your wire distribution. But while making sure you are properly using your keyword or not you can make yourself a check list which can be helpful for your business effectively.

  • Keyword Placement - You need to use the keyword by the end of your first paragraph. You can use it in the first portion of your second paragraph.
  • Number of Keywords - Use at least 2 keywords to make your content popular and widely engaging for your audience.
  • Keyword Usage - Use the keyword in the title, in the summary, and also in the body of the press release. While using two keywords, use the primary keywords in all these three pointers and the secondary keywords will be mentioned in the body of the PR only.
  • Choose a Keyword - While researching for appropriate keywords, consider in terms of your target audience and what they might be looking to find.
  • Relevant Keywords - Add keywords that involve current events and hot topics.
  • Brand Your Keywords - Try to use branding keywords for maximum benefits.
  • Avoid Keyword Stuffing - Using two keywords in a PR is fine, but if you are using more than two keywords that will not work in your favour.

These are some effective ways to have a better online ranking for your business. But there are some rules on things you should do while you are writing your press release. The best way of search engine optimization is by using relevant and unique keywords. And these are some of the few attributes that will give you charming results.

While writing a press release, if you ensure all the aforesaid attributes in the write you will have a well-balanced press release to distribute. Yet, some things will help you to bring more attention while some attributes can vex your audience, while some misjudged actions will lessen your importance in the market and will work as a demeaning factor for your company and your business.

4. Importance of an Engaging Title

Titles are the best way to have a better number of clicks for your press release. As you are using a digital platform to distribute your press release you must continue to engage people in every way possible. And the most effective way to bring more eyes to your audience is by offering a compelling title. Here are some proper measures to write a title properly:

Importance of an Engaging Title

  • Make it short and to the point
  • Keep it within 90 characters with spaces
  • You can use numbers (if relevant)
  • Be informative in a charming way
  • A title should encourage the readers
  • Offer a problem-solving intent

If you are following the giants of this industry you will see that they offer titles that are engaging and sometimes witty also, making a catchy title will compel your audience to read your press release. Titles are the first thing that your audience will see, so make it as engaging and attractive as possible.

5. Proper Use of Hyperlink

While including your keywords you can hyperlink your business to these keywords to have better web traffic. These are the best ways to bring more people to your business and your overall business community. There are some points where hyperlinks can work most appropriately:

Proper Use of Hyperlink

  • Link to your page
  • Hyperlink your service pages
  • If the PR has the reference of any other company offers their links as well

However, there is one mistake made by most of the emerging businesses, which is over-inking the PR or overcrowding the PR. Press releases are official statements of a company and if you choose to over-link your PR or overcrowd it, it will lose its compelling nature. Best to use two or three links based on the size of your press release. Sometimes, less is more, and this is the time you understand this phrase.

6. Create Online Pressroom

Create Online Pressroom

This is a great way to keep all of your press releases in one place and this will also ensure that when someone, probably one of your potential customers, visits your website they will be able to see what you have offered and how you have grown as a business entity. This will not just give them a better understanding of your company but also will you the opportunity to win them over as your loyal customer. Apart from this, this option is great for SEO benefits; you can have a great ranking on Google.

How to Distribute a Press Release?

Press releases are easy to write and people might love you once they get to see it distributed, but how to make sure that your press release will reach the audience or not? Two specific distribution options will make sure that your target audience is getting to know about you.

How to Distribute a Press Release?

  • You can go to business journalists and email your press release to them they will elevate your news to a broader audience.
  • Or, you can buy press release packages; these are pretty common these days. You will only need to find a legit press release distribution service provider and buy one of their packages, and the rest is their headache.

Press releases are a cheap and extremely popular way of content marketing and this will bring your limitless exposure when done right. The aforementioned information will help you not just write a press release effectively but also help it rank better once it gets published in whichever way is preferable to you. If you jolt down the benefits along with the expenses of a press release you will see this is the cheapest way to be popular in the industry.

Tags: SEO-friendly Press Releases, SEO Press Release, Tips for an SEO-friendly Press Release, Ways to Make Press Releases More SEO-friendly