The Importance of Content Quality in Search Engine Result Pages

5th March, 2021

Search Engine Result

All information that you find on the internet consist of some sort of content. The search engines is comprised of millions of web pages for every single search. But to be honest, the first page of the search results is clicked by the audience. It is highly rare for any visitor to go through the next pages to find what they are looking for.

You need to make your content stand out in the crowd to appear higher in the search results. The old techniques like randomly stuffing your content with a lot of keywords no longer work. This actually destroys your SEO efforts because of the new Google algorithms.

So before you get your content out there you need to keep the Google penalization in mind. You also need to consider the intention of the consumers for the particular search before you craft your content. You need to research the need and requirements of your target audience in the first place.

Google algorithm updates for penalizing low-quality content

Google has taken some strict steps to punish the websites that have low-quality content. The search giant aims to offer the best browsing experience to its users. That is why they eliminate the low-quality content from their SERPs. To get rid of this content and spammy websites, Google has come up with numerous updates in recent times.

The steps to achieve perfect content for search engines

There are certain factors in press release writing that make it perform better in the search results. Keep the following things in mind before you craft your press release.

1. Do keyword research

Keywords play a key role in performing better in SERPs. With Google’s new algorithm updates, you cannot just embed your content with as many keywords as possible. There are few rules you need to follow to get the perfect keywords for your content.

• When you are looking for keywords for your content, make sure to choose keywords that are still used by your target audience. But do not choose the ones that are widely used by your competitors.

• Use the auto-complete feature of the Google search bar to know what is trending among your target audience.

• Use social media to know about the trending topics, words, and phrases that you can use as keywords.

2. Comprehend the search intention of the users

Search engines have evolved in various ways. Their accuracy has improved a lot more than before. You should craft your content in a way that answers all the queries of the target audience. You need to understand the need of the audience before you craft your press release. You need to find the difference between searches that are looking to purchase and the ones looking for general information. Once you understand the difference, it will be easier for you to target the right audience more accurately. If you satisfy the audience with your content, it will help you acquire vast online exposure through search engines.

3. Create an AI-friendly content

Google uses artificial intelligence in their search engine algorithms for a long time. The AIs have made the browsing experience much smoother for the users. But content that has not updated its format is experiencing difficult times at ranking high in the search results.

• To optimize your content to match the AI algorithm in Google, you need to use phrases and long-tail keywords. When your website ranks higher in the search results, the Google algorithms use this pattern to predict the same kind of future queries.

• Make your content engaging. Create high-quality content and Google will automatically give you preference.

• Make your content compact and informative. Do not try to clickbait the audience with false facts.

• Make sure your content is suitable for both computer and mobile device users.

4. Create better content

The quality of the content is the most important factor to achieve a better ranking in the search results. You should concentrate on making your content more informative and appealing to the readers.

• Add links to the resource pages so that the readers can find further information about the subject.

• Search engines rank longer content higher than the shorter ones. So make your content longer than 1000 at least to improve their SERP ranking.

• Review your content before you submit it for publication. Your content represents your brand. So content with grammatical and spelling errors will destroy your reputation in the market.

5. Make your content appealing

Content is the only thing that can keep the audience engaged with your brand. If your story is not interesting enough, the readers will simply move on. It is not easy to make every topic interesting. It requires in-depth knowledge of the industry to write the perfect content. Follow these tips to increase the audience engagement:

• Stick to a particular story while writing content. There are numerous events happening within your organization. Choose the one relevant to your target audience.

• If possible make your content humorous. This will give the readers a break from all the serious ones. It will also help you stand out in the crowd.

• You can use graphics, photos, infographics in your content to make it more interesting. Google prefers content with multimedia files.

6. Keep the content simple and readable

Always remember that your target audience comes from different backgrounds. Not everyone is a literary genius. Your goal is to reach the maximum amount of niche audience. Create content that is readable to everyone. To increase your readability, follow these steps:

• Create an attractive and easy to understand headline.

• Use short paragraphs, subheadings, and bullet points to make your content more comprehensive.

• Humans are visual beings. So include visuals to grab the attention of the audience.

• Google ranks the content based on their readability as well. So make sure to create content that is understandable to most of the population for better SERP results.

Tags: Search Engine Result, Google Algorithm, SEO, Content Quality