The main difference Blog and Press Release Are Separated By A Few Fundamental Differences

8th April, 2020

Difference Between Blog and Press Release

Certain basic differences separate a blog from a press release as far as the structure is concerned. While a blog can be written in an informal tone as debate can be kicked off but a press release furnishes pertinent information that comes in the form of an official statement that is generally issued to media houses. This question has been asked very often to cite out major differences between a press release and a blog post. We must move forward to get some relevant information about the breakdown of several variance and differentiation that exist between the two major pillars and powerful tools for search engine optimization. Let us just throw some light on certain facts and begin with the basics. This can also foster business possibilities.




·       Format: 

       A conversational tone is followed while writing a blog and it may seem that it is just another of those people talking to each other and it is that simple as far as tonality is concerned. Feedbacks are also welcomed during blogging that allows every reader to give their opinion through posting comments as well as asking certain questions. This, in turn, helps in creating a conversation that is very much indispensable. A strong bond is built around the organization and the relationship with the readers leaps forward. 


·       Style:

       Customer service can also be demonstrated through blogging and this can be considered as of the most superb means of communication. After a comment or a question has been left by a reader, one can use various ways to respond. The comment can be answered by empathizing or in an educational form that can be of a scholastic approach paving the way for great customer service. This also shows that working on the web is managed proactively. An organization, by a blog, gets a human face that makes blogs so much more wonderful as friendships and virtual bonds are created and built.


·       Length:

       The size of the blog has to be crisp enough which is neither too long nor very short. But in certain cases, blogs can be short and may include videos and drawings creating more options for better content.


·       Tonality:

       Fun and frolic can be part of blogging without any real hindrance related to its structure and tonality.


Press Release


·       Format:

       As far as press releases are concerned, a specific and standard format is followed and the tone is particularly formal. The journalistic needs are addressed as they are constantly in the lookout of a story where they can speak about the prospective and current customers. While writing a press release, interesting information is provided as the basic goal lies in educating the readers.

     ·       Style:

       A buzz can be created through a press release about an upcoming event or general news. It could also be about the launch of a brand new product or a service.


·       Length and structure:

        A specific format is followed in a press release while writing that includes the summary of concerned organization which is called the boilerplate, along with title and subhead and also the body and a quote to go with it.


·       Channels of communication:

       One can post a press release on the website and can also, be sent to event calendars along with news sites that are online and local. There are certain free sites which are far and few while some are very costly which is in stark contrast to free blogs.




The visibility can be increased through press release and blogs as both are very powerful tools as far as the optimization of search engines are concerned. Fresh news can be created most immaculately by properly using them and foster success in the marketing initiative. We have come to a definitive conclusion that you must keep on writing while choosing either a press release or a blog.

Tags: Difference Between Blog and Press Release, press release blog post tips, Blog vs Press Release