The Most Effective and Healthiest Solutions for the Issues Most Remote Workers Face Today

25th June, 2021

Remote Working Culture

Covid-19 has brought drastic changes in our personal as well as professional life. The companies have adapted to remote working. Although it seemed the pandemic would last just a couple of months, but it has been more than a year since employees have been working from their homes. And nobody knows when it is going to end.

Many companies had predicted that their workers will be returning in 2021, but the second wave of the pandemic has forced them to change their decision. So now, instead of anticipating what is coming next, it is best to accept that the pandemic is going to last. You must take measures to make Your WFH situation better and effective. Though working from home sounds like a walk in the park, it is nowhere near that.

You can overcome all the obstacles and distractions that come from working from home by setting up some healthy habits. Below written are some of the most common issues that remote wrokers face along with their solutions.

The issue: Colossal screen time

As companies cannot conduct in-person meetings right now, they have shifted to virtual ones through different available apps. As per a study by the Wall Street Journal, these virtual meetings are much more draining than their physical counterparts. They increase fatigue and decrease productivity in the employees.

The healthy solution: Take breaks from the screen

Experts suggests stepping away from the screen a few times throughout the day is a smart solution to overcome fatigue as a result of too much screen time. If the meeting can do without a video call, then you must choose the alternatives like a phone call or an email. You can also turn off your camera and ask others to do the same for a change. It will help you to boost your energy and relief stress.

The issue: Performance pressure

When you start working from home, you may think you will be more productive than at the office, but it is not the case in reality. Your home possesses a lot of distractions that an office does not have. So, in the long run, you will see it is taking longer to do a certain job at home than at the office. You will face more pressure to perform better at home eventually.

The healthy solution: Take a breather

You may find that you are unable to finish work before time. You may also think that solution is to work more. But the healthy and effective solution is to take more breaks rather than working tirelessly. Invest in your mental health; do yoga, exercise, or meditation, to keep your mind stress-free.

The issue: Distractions

Working from home blurs the line between your personal and work life. Your family members, friends, and even your neighbors can present distractions for you. It can make it very difficult to concentrate on the work at hand with so much going around you.

The healthy solution: Pomodoro technique

Pomodoro technique is a time management system that was created by renowned business consultant Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. According to this method, you must invest your time completely on a task for 25 minutes straight. Then you can take a short break as a reward. You can take a longer break after you finish such four Pomodoros. You can get your work done efficiently and enjoy a guilt-free break afterward.

The issue: Isolation

The pandemic has trapped everyone in their homes. There are no co-workers to share your while working at home. You can neither go to a nice restaurant, movie, or a holiday to de-stress yourself. Staying at home 24x7 can get frustrating easily.

The healthy solution: Connect with others

Though you are stuck at your home, there are lots of mediums that can instantly help you connect with friends and co-workers. You can call them up for a chat or video call them and talk about things you usually talk about. The human connection will make you feel less isolated and more hopeful.

The issue: Personal and work-life balance

Working from an office has its advantages. You are able to separate your work and personal line without any problem. But when your home becomes your workplace, it gets difficult to differentiate between them. You may have to postpone your personal activities due to work. This will put more pressure on your mental health reducing your efficiency at work.

The healthy solution: Have a healthy work-environment

The best way to separate your personal life from your work life, while working from home is to set up an ideal workspace. Instead of working at different places every day throughout the house, sitting at a single place every day will make you feel more like in an office. You will less likely be distracted or disturbed that way and will be able to set up a healthy routine with a steady workpace.

Tags: Work from Home, Remote Workers, Remote Working Culture