Tips to Write a Crisis Press Release for Maximum Impact

7th June, 2023

Write a Crisis Press Release

When setting up a new business, entrepreneurs should be prepared to deal with any crisis that might arise before their brand develops negative publicity. Whenever a brand finds itself in such an impasse, the first tool it often reached out for to address the crisis is a press release, also known as a Crisis Communication Press Release. A well-crafted crisis press release can bring the company’s side of the story to the fore and communicates to the readers and stakeholders the company’s plan of action for dealing with the situation, and goes a long way in making or breaking the image of the company.

To write a crisis press release for maximum positive impact, certain things must be borne in mind:

● Time is of the Essence

As most crises are time-sensitive issues, the sooner a company releases a Press Release statement, the better so that the spread of negative publicity is nipped in the bud. It is advisable to have a few ready-made templates to save time when such situations arise. It also creates a positive outlook of the company as a responsible and fast-acting entity that listens to the grievances of its consumers. The more a company delays this step, the higher the chances of it losing customers, especially when the fault is that of the company. However, a quick response does not mean a half-hearted or soggy one; only a well-crafted and thoughtful response can have any effect on the readers.

● Outlining the Crisis and the PR Concerns

It is important to consider the crises from multiple perspectives and take some time to fully outline the situation, and consider the potential resolutions. The stakeholders then should be asked to shed some light on the situation and the impact that it might have on the business, and the press release should be formulated accordingly.

● Setting the Right Tone 

A good crisis press release alleviates the situation, addresses and helps calm the concerns, and minimizes the risks associated with the crises, while at the same time being honest and realistic. While formulating the Press Release there are certain aspects to ponder upon: 

a. If it was the fault of the company: 

If yes, the company must be transparent and let people know they are taking responsibility for the incident. If not, they must express their empathy and be sensitive to those who have been affected by the crises. 

b. How to help those who had been affected:

Making promises during a crisis and failing to keep them can erode trust and therefore it is best to stick to realistic and achievable resolutions. Solutions should only be suggested after checking the resources of the company. 

c. What to reassure the people when it is the fault of the company:

The first step is to accept responsibility. The next is to reassure the people that such a mistake will not be repeated.

● Identifying the Target Audience

For formulating a Press Release, the first thing to consider is who needs to read it and address their concerns directly. The writer must question who the people affected are, what their relationship with the businesses, and what they expect from the company. This helps set a clear tone and objective for the writing for maximum impact.

● Crafting the Press Release

When writing press release format is extremely important because the aim is to create something easily consumable by the readers at first glance. A press release must contain the following:

a. A concise and catchy headline.

b. An overview of the crisis in the first paragraph.

c. The company’s response to the crisis.

d. A summary of the whole with a call to action at the end along with the contact information of the company and PR person.

● Distribution

Once a press release is created, then comes the process of distribution and companies usually resort to three different ways for this:

a. Through social media platforms.

b. Through media outlets that the company has built a rapport with.

c. With the help of press release distribution services from which it can be picked up by readers, journalists, and news and media outlets.

Of the three, for new businesses that have not had the chance to build up a network or contacts, the third has proven to be the most effective. 

Tags: Write a Crisis Press Release, Writing Press Release Format