Understanding the Significance of AI: Is it a Blessing or a Curse?

10th August, 2024

How to Stop Fearing AI?

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is one of the most fascinating inventions of the era that is taking over the world. Its wide influence in the market is now noticeable in every sector of the market and more than 40% of business organizations have already started integrating AI into their business operations. After the launch of OpenAI and the popularity of ChatGPT, the applications and seamlessness of AI have become more vivid for the common folks or the public.

AI is quite powerful and something that is powerful and influential enough to put its diverse effects into various industries can appear scary at times. Public disclosure of AI applications has created two extreme sides of perception,

  • Dystopian Fears - There are a lot of people and employees who believe that AI is powerful enough to replace them and take their jobs. Some fantasies can also lead to AI invasion and oppression which are mostly shown in the movies.
  • Utopian Visions - These people are overly enthusiastic about the birth of AI as they consider that AI has all kinds of solutions for different problems.              

With two opposite and extreme perceptions, pure judgment can get clouded. Therefore, it is important to understand what an AI is, what are its capabilities and what are its limitations. Artificial intelligence is a technical ability of a machine that allows it to perform cognitive activities like humans. It is capable of understanding, remembering, analyzing, reminding, evaluating, and many other activities which make it an all-in-one tool for all.

Two Major Concerns Noticed among People

1. Machine Thinking - AI or artificial intelligence is great for pattern recognition which can also handle big data and complex calculations. However, it is not capable of resonating or rationalizing with a human-like understanding. It does not a have human-like mind so machine thinking is not like human thinking at all. It is more data-driven and goal-oriented.

2. Machine Abilities - Human possesses different emotions and abilities like creativity, reasoning, questioning for curiosity, emotional intelligence, etc. This is an advanced application of the human brain and is still beyond the reach of AIs.

Overcoming the Fear of AI by Exploring Facts 

Fear is often triggered by the things that are unknown. Therefore, AI education is highly important as everybody needs to know more about it if they are willing to use it. Here are some effective ways to way brush up on your knowledge of AI.

  • Read online articles and e-books based on AI
  • Make sure to use AI-based tools on a daily basis to get used to it
  • Make sure to talk more about AI and its application with colleagues and friends who might use it
  • Implement AI in your job and life to witness the change

Strategies to Overcome Job-related Fear

Those who think that AI might replace all jobs must know that it is not possible. AI is created to assist humans in different works and it still needs to be operated by users as it cannot work by itself. Since AI can automate many tasks, one might find it posing a threat to their particular job role. In that case, individuals can take proactive steps for,

  • Reskilling
  • Upskilling
  • Leveraging AI

Emotions are the Biggest Human Advantage 

AI is perhaps too powerful but it still lacks emotional quotient or EQ which makes it less than a human brain. Emotions can play an advantage for humans and their job security.

It is safe to say, AI is a blessing unless humans exploit its benefits.

Tags: How to Stop Fearing AI, How to Get Over AI Anxiety, How to Stop Relying on AI