Use the Services of Press Release Distribution Companies to Gain Maximum Media Coverage

29th April, 2023

Press Release Distribution Companies

Media coverage is one of the most important things in any marketing or promotional campaign of any brand. The main goal of these campaigns is to be known more widely and create a brand reputation and media coverage is a powerful way to do that. Whether it is about promoting a new product or service, sharing any important company news or even spreading any awareness, media coverage certainly helps in spreading the word. But how do brands get media coverage? One of the most effective methods is by publishing press releases.

But publishing a press release does not always guarantee secured media coverage unless you have a very strong distribution network. Not every company, especially if they are just starting or are small businesses has a strong distribution channel. This is where press release distribution companies come in and do their jobs.

There must be a lot of questions piled up, such as what exactly is a press release and what purpose do they serve? Or what do distribution companies do and how do you select one legitimate one? Well, let's find the answers to those queries.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is a formal announcement of a company that is directed toward the media. A press release contains any newsworthy information of the company related to development in business or any other issue that is published with the aim of letting the media and other interested parties know. A press release aims to generate media coverage.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is known by different names such as a media release, news release, or a press statement. Usually, a press release is written by a company’s marketing team or the public relations team and sent to the journalists, reporters, or editors of media outlets such as newspapers, websites, magazines, television, and radio stations.

What are the Types of Press Releases?

A press release can be of different types and can be used for various purposes. These reasons are -

What are the Types of Press Releases?

● Product or Service Launch - Through these press releases the company informs the media of new product or service development and launch.

● Business Launch - Through these press releases a company lets the media know about any new business launch or promotes a new business venture intending to raise awareness among investors and potential customers.

● Rebranding - Through these press releases the media is informed about any changes or updates in the brand identity, logo, or name of the company.

● Events - Through these kinds of press releases, the company shares new information about any upcoming event.

● Partnership or Merger and Acquisition - These press releases are published to let the media know about any recent partnership changes or happenings along with any development regarding mergers and acquisitions.

Why Should You Publish More Press Releases?

As mentioned before, press releases are among one the most effective ways to generate press coverage and spread any newsworthy information the company wants people to know about. The primary reasons why press releases are so important and still relevant in this digital media are -

Why Should You Publish More Press Releases?

● Press releases engage the media and it is a great way to put the business news in front of journalists and editors, who are most likely to write about it and publish it as news stories.

● Press releases help build and maintain relationships with the media, journalists, bloggers, and new-age influencers which will be helpful in generating future media coverage.

● Press releases help manage a crisis in the company as it lets the brand get its side of the story out first. Taking the narrative into its own hand by setting the record straight through press release help brands manage negative publicity or media coverage.

● Press releases are also helpful in building brand credibility and building a good brand reputation among investors, shareholders, and the general public.

● Press releases with good media coverage bring in more worldwide as well as local visibility and reach to the brand.

What are the Elements of an Effective Press Release?

With these many advantages, a press release is a valuable marketing tool. However, a press release is only worth publishing and some reporters will pick it off to make a news story when the press release is written in the right way. There are certain characteristics that reporters look for in an effective press release. These are -

What are the Elements of an Effective Press Release?

● Well-written - Reporters always take those press releases that are well-written and are free of any grammatical or spelling errors. A press release must be short, filled with relevant information, concise, and to the point. 

● Format - A press release is different from any other content, mainly because of its difference in the target audience. An effective press release must be written in the standard press release format and include all the essentials. 

● Newsworthy - A press release gets converted into a news story when it gains media coverage, so the content must be newsworthy so that the reporters can create a story out of it. 

● Factual - A press release must be accurate and only consist of actual facts about the company. As press release carries so much of the company’s credibility, anything other than hard cold facts is not allowed.

How Do You Write a Press Release?

In the previous section, you could see that the format of a press release is completely different than other web content. So that means, the writing of a press release follows some distinctive writing rules. They are -

How Do You Write a Press Release?

● A press release must include the logo of the company as it signifies the credibility of the source. Having the logo on the press release states the fact that the information is coming straight from the brand. 

● The headline of the press release must be attractive since it is important to get the attention of the reporters in one go. 

● A press release must include keywords to improve the brand’s SEO. These keywords can be placed in the headlines, summary, and in the upper section of the content body. 

● Traditionally, a press release starts with a stamp of place and date which indicates where the press release is coming from or has been published. 

● A press release must have a boilerplate with relevant company information, in case the reporters need them to include in their news stories. 

● At the end of the writing, there should be a separate section for media contacts. This would be there to give out the information of where to reach when the media would need to contact.

Why Do You Choose a Distribution Company?

Why Do You Choose a Distribution Company?

Now that we are done with the writing of a press release, it comes to publishing. A fact, in this case, is reporters or editors of media outlets have so many press releases piled up in their emails that they always ignore them, or worse, the press releases end up in the spam box. This is a true case especially if it is a small business or a start-up. This is why distribution companies are needed to ensure the fact that the press releases will get a story and will be published on the media sites. Having a strong distribution network confirms that the press releases are sent to the top-rated media outlets and news sites and they are being published as news stories with a guarantee.

How Do You Choose a Press Release Distribution Service?

Now the real question is how do you choose a distribution service when there are so many on the market? To make that wise decision, here are some facts you can consider -

How Do You Choose a Press Release Distribution Service?

➔ Authority of Media Sites - The authority of media and news sites will impact your press release and how people are accepting it. So while choosing a distribution service, look at the list of media sites and outlets and make sure they have authority. 

➔ Relevance of Media Outlets - This is another factor that you need to look out for while making the decision. You need to choose a distribution service that guarantees you a feature in relevant media that people trust. 

➔ Extreme Brand Exposure - Establishing a company as a brand can do wonders for you as it is the main factor that shapes human perception and the degree of familiarity. So choose a distribution service that helps you with brand exposure by placing the content on top-rated media sites. 

➔ Writing Services - This is another important factor that matters when you are choosing a distribution service for your press release. Not everyone is a writer and crafting a press release is more difficult than it looks. 

➔ Reliable Customer Support - When you are opting for a distribution service make sure the website has fast and reliable customer service, open 24*7.  

➔ Pricing - While deciding to publish and distribute your press release through a website or a distribution company, tally the price they are charging with the market. This way you can make sure it is not charging too much or too less. 

➔ Option to Add Multiple Media - To make the press release even more impactful, you can add multiple media like pictures and videos. So while you are selecting a distribution service make sure it is letting you add these multiple Media at no extra cost.

To conclude everything, press releases are still extremely relevant and if you choose the right distribution service, you can see the desired ROI on its publishing.

Tags: Press Release Distribution Companies, Free Press Release Distribution, Online Press Release Distribution