Various Guidelines to Structure an Education Press Release Template

14th October, 2020

In the scope of a school, events are very regular and if they are looking to publicize effectively, writing an education press release is indispensable. PRs are one of the major marketing tools that will help in media exposure, this garnering more audience for the event. Constructing an education press release template is extremely crucial in maintaining quality and effectiveness so that they are picked up by media houses leading to further exposure in the relevant arena. Hence, a few key guidelines must be followed in order to structure the best written and edited press release without any flaws so that the school’s exposure and reception across the mass are circulated accurately.

Following these simple guidelines will help in writing a press release that is accurate, concise, and captivating:



Always make sure to write a catchy headline so that the PR can grab the attention of the media person in an instant.



A subheading must contain more detail than that of the headline but then again, should not exceed a particular length. Ideally, a subhead should be short and descriptive and should retain the essence of the subject matter of the press release in a couple of sentences.



Split the body of the press release into several paragraphs to maintain continuity and the reader’s interest.


First Paragraph

Writing about some of the main points and answering the essential 5Ws (who, what, where, when, why) and how will instantly make the PR newsworthy, precise, and to the point. This will enable journalists or media personals to take interest in the rest of the write-up.


Second Paragraph

Add more details about the news with descriptions and explanations. You can also add a brief history of the school and more information about why the event is taking place. If there are any key people involved in the event, mentioning that here is a good idea.


Third Paragraph

Quoting a key person like the principal, administrator, community member, or student in relevance to the event builds interest for the reader.


Fourth paragraph

Expand on the information provided in the above paragraphs. Adding new quotes or explaining their relevance to the school or the event can add more integrity to the press release. You can also expand on the ideas of the event and incorporate other important information in connection to the upcoming occasion.


Concluding Paragraph

Always keep a brief ‘about’ section in this paragraph to sum up the entire release and by giving previous accomplishments of the school. 


Additional Points

Making sure that the press release is newsworthy is important. The newsworthy-edge should be prominent in both the headline and body. Also, hiring a professional press release writer is important in making sure that your school is represented in the right light through which it will receive the right exposure that the school or its event is looking for.

Tags: Education Press Release Template & Example, Education Press Release Formats