What are the Variant Kinds of Team Structures That Can Assist a Company to Grow?

27th May, 2023

Effective Team Structure

A team is one of the most important things when it comes to running a company. Creating a group of unique personalities, different communication styles, and various other skills can be very much helpful to build a proficient team. With a versatile team, a challenge can become way easier. A team should have a leader who can lead everyone to finish a project in a structured manner. An efficient team is the core of an organization, thus it is very much important to build a team that has the potential to work together and complete any kind of task with their productivity. 

It is very important to have a team structure. With a structured team, everyone would know their roles and responsibility that can make a huge impact on a company. This also helps to communicate with other departments and finish work within a deadline. There are many types of structures of a team. It completely depends on the goal of the company. Let’s find out the various structures of a team –

1. Hierarchical Structure:

It is the most used team structure that is used in maximum organizations. This is a structure that looks like a pyramid where the higher level employees are on the top and the structure completes with employees according to their designation. Here it is very easy to understand who will be the decision maker and the reporting person. It is the most commonly seen structure in most of the companies. 

2. Circular Structure:

The circular structure is almost like a hierarchical one. Here the top designated employees stay in the center and it grows according to the authorities of other employees. It is a significant structure of teams and very much useful to control small teams. In this structure, communication becomes better and the contribution to the company comes to be easier. 

3. Flat Structure:

A flat structure is a construction where between leaders and employees there is not much distance. It is an organic structure, which doesn’t have any specific kind of shape. It also doesn’t have many layers of management and that makes it effortless to communicate with other people. With this structure, an organization can get better productivity from their employees, which helps to achieve company goals in a simple way. This particular structure also forms when everyone has a common goal for the company. 

4. Matrix Structure:

The matrix structure is the best form for any company. In this structure, employees have to report to multiple leaders of different departments. With this structure, the decision-making responsibility goes to many leaders of multiple departments. Here each team also has to report to leaders of different departments too. It has the potential to improve communication better within multiple teams. 

5. Market-focused Structure:

Various companies work with different products and services. In this kind of situation, teams are made according to the industry, customer, and market type. This type of structure is usually made to develop each segment of the organization. The companies that work in and provide multiple kinds of services, it is best for those. 

6. Product-focused Structure:

A product-focused structure is made only when the company works on multiple products. An organization has to create multiple teams to enhance each kind of product. They cannot take risks in any part when they are associated with too many types of products. Otherwise, they will face various product-specific issues, which is not great for any organization.  

These are all the various kinds of teams that a company can create according to their needs and preferences. Each has its own significance that helps to flourish a company and its services.

Tags: Effective Team Structure, Importance of Team Structure