Why do PR Endings Matter and How to End a Press Release Writing?

8th January, 2022

How to End a Press Release Writing

When you are writing a press release, the hardest part is not the start, like many believe. The most difficult part is the ending. The way you conclude your press release can either make people click on the website link then and there or discredit what you are trying to convey entirely. It can severely ruin your company’s reputation in the eyes of the media, customers, and even investors.

Journalists are busy professionals who get flooded with hundreds of press releases every day. To separate your story from the rest and keep them hooked, you need to deliver a strong message and use the best strategies to construct your closing paragraph. So, let’s discuss how to end a press release writing for guaranteed success:

What does a press release contain?

Before you know how to write a perfect PR ending, you need to know about the whole anatomy of the content. Only a good ending will not get the journalists to notice your story. So, you must put equal emphasis on the other parts of the press release as well.

An ideal PR should be short and compact. It should not be longer than one page and divided into five to six paragraphs. The structure of a PR follows:

  • An attention-grabbing headline.
  • An opening paragraph answering the 5Ws (Who, What, When, Where, and Why).
  • A separate paragraph consisting of relevant quotes from important persons in the company.
  • A boilerplate copy that has all the contact detail and relevant information about the company.

You can also add multimedia in between paragraphs to make it more compelling. You can not only add images and infographics but embed videos as well. It helps you illustrate your message exactly the way you want to and makes it more relatable to the readers.

Why do PR endings matter so much?

The main purpose of a press release is to announce the most important news about the company to the public. It is also a tool to form a stronger relationship with the journalists and media outlets that bridges the gap between your company and the general public.

The ending of the press release matters so much because once you create hype with the beginning of the PR, you need to match the intensity with the ending as well. The readers must not feel disappointed after reading the conclusion. If it fails to impress them, they will harbor a bad image of your brand for a long time.

How to write the perfect PR ending?

The conclusion must shed light on the fact that your brand and your story are worth it to the target audience. To write the perfect press release ending you must follow a proper press release format to establish a concrete message that can effortlessly bring you closer to your marketing goals. Here are a few tips to craft the most effective PR ending:

1. Construct your message properly

At the end of the press release, you need to sum up the main points that you have explained in the content. That way, your readers will be able to get an overview of the entire content, before they walk away from the PR. It will be more than just a read and leave a permanent mark on the readers. It also increases your chance of getting picked by your chosen media outlets.

2. Follow the rules

The concluding part of a PR consists of a few important elements which are:

  • The Boilerplate copy. The ending paragraph is usually known as a boilerplate. It informs the readers about the product, service, or the company itself and how they can know more about the matter.
  • Direct contacts. Allow your readers to contact you about your brand by offering them direct contact details like email addresses or phone numbers.
  • Website and social media. If you have an official website and social media pages, let the audience know about them as well. It will not only increase your sales but create a reliable image as well.

3. Call to action

CTA is used to prompt your audience to do what you want them to. The goal of your CTA should be the same as the entire press release. If your press release is about the launching of a new product, your CTA should convince the readers to purchase it and direct them to where it is available.

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