Why Free PR Still Matters: A Comprehensive Guide on PR Distribution

25th July, 2024

Free PR

Press releases are written text announcements from businesses and brands, helping them garner more recognition and awareness in the market. What most people think about press release distribution is just the process of sending the text out to media outlets and journalists. However, if it is done the right way, the process is intentional and is much more than just sending them out. Distributing the press release is a strategic method that businesses and organizations all over the world use to communicate their news to media and news outlets, reporters, and the wider general public.

The entire process of distribution of free PR involves -

  • Crafting a well-written press release.
  • Distributing the content through several equally strong media channels. This can include new outlets, personal connections with journalists, social media platforms, bloggers, news websites, etc.
  • Repeating this process multiple times throughout the year would create more brand awareness, and increase their media presence.

The benefits that a solid and strategic press release distribution brings are countless. Before moving into what they are, let's understand press release distribution clearly.

What is the Press Release Distribution?

Press release distribution is the strategic process through which newsworthy content is shared with a broader audience base using various channels. The distribution of press releases acts as a bridge between information and the target audience. This method ensures that all the relevant development and important information reaches the actual audience effectively, such as media outlets, journalists, and customers.

Why is Press Release Distribution Important?

1. Targeted Wider Reach -

As solid press release distribution gets your brand featured on top-rated media and news outlets, reaching an audience pool who would have not known about your announcement or development otherwise is much easier. Strong distribution also helps businesses reach specific audiences so you can address the content to the concerns and interests of your customers, partners, stakeholders, and investors. The choice of which media channels you want to go with is also yours.

2. Affordability -

One of the key advantages of press release distribution is that it is much more affordable than most other public relations or advertising activities. When you send out press releases, you don't need funds to buy advertising slots or hire public relations agencies to get the message across. Instead, you can go with online press release writing and distribution services that come with flexible plans and reasonable prices. You can choose the particular service that suits your requirements and budget, paying for only what you are using.

3. Advertising Value Equivalent -

Advertising Value Equivalent is a metric demonstrating the cost of the advertisement displayed in the media channels for your press release. When you publish the PR in a reputed media channel with a larger audience base, you can easily increase your credibility and media visibility without running an advertisement for it. Such broad media coverage can also be used for social credibility, building a trust element for the brand.  With the way the press release is distributed, you can widen the reach and your brand's exposure as the content may be seen or shared by a number of people on several media platforms. Through solid distribution, the brand will improve its reputation and image, differentiating itself from the industry competitors.

4. SEO -

Solid press release distribution is also helpful in improving a brand's SEO and visibility in the digital realm. Using the right keywords in your content will make things better for the search engines and you will get more visitors to the website. At the same time, you can also put links to your socials on the press release content, bringing more visitors to your social media platforms as well. Moreover, using multimedia elements such as images, videos, graphics, etc. in the content can make it more engaging and interesting to read. If you use relevant keywords in the press release content, it attracts more organic traffic than anything else. Distributing the content in the right way also boosts the online presence of a brand.

5. Brand Reputation and Positioning -

Strong press release distribution establishes brand authority and strengthens it while expressing your missions, visions, and goals. It helps you enhance the brand's reputation in the market. When you share your achievements or developments through press releases with the public and media, you at the same time, showcase your expertise, and innovation. Moreover, this also carries the message of value proposition in the market. You can also use PRs to address any controversy and challenges faced by your business in recent times, demonstrating your transparency and the company's accountability. When you keep a consistent tone in the PR, it is easier to convey the brand's personality and identity. By conveying brand vision and objectives, you can create a long-lasting impression on your customers while positioning yourself as a leader in the industry. Press release distribution also creates brand awareness by continuously displaying the brand name, logo, and colors.

How Do You Distribute Press Releases?

  • Crafting the Content - The first step of distributing a press release in the right way is crafting compelling content. This must be newsworthy and convey your message properly, and concisely.
  • Select the Channels - After crafting compelling content, the next step is to select the distribution channels carefully. This includes social media channels, media and news outlets, industry-specific outlets, newswire services, etc.
  • Select the Target Audience - To make sure the press release is set up for success, you need to identify your target audience and tailor the written content accordingly. Your target audience could include reporters, bloggers, social media influencers, or even direct consumers.
  • SEO Optimization - The next step is to incorporate relevant keywords into your press release content so that it is easier for search engines to index and crawl, improving its discoverability online.
  • Including Multimedia - Increase your press release’s engagement by incorporating images, videos, graphics, and infographics in the content.
  • Timing the Release - The last step is timing your press release so that it can earn maximum visibility and impact in the digital space. Avoid holidays, or significant occasions so that your announcement is not overshadowed.

You can get various types of press release distribution in the market including traditional PR distribution, online distribution, social media, or industry-specific distribution. Choose the right one that is best suited for your business requirements.

Tags: Free PR, Free PR Websites, Best Free PR Websites