Will Computers Eventually be Smarter than Humans?

29th October, 2022

Human vs Computer Who Wins

One thing that is everywhere in the media and people's minds is the word Artificial Intelligence or AI. If you are a gadget freak or follow what has been trendy on the internet, you must have heard about this word. But do you know what it means? Well Artificial Intelligence or AI is the intelligence that is demonstrated by machines. This is the exact opposite of natural intelligence which is demonstrated by animals and humans. It is the simulation of our intelligence that is processed by machines and computers. It helps the machines to work and solve problems efficiently. Now the question is if computers can think and do what we do, the way we solve problems, will they eventually be smarter than us?

This is a question that is often discussed but none ever gives a clear answer. Read along to know what will be the ultimate result of it. 

History, AI, and its Practice

We as humans have always been intrigued to discover the unknown, know what is hidden, and do experiments that can lead to new things. So it is not surprising that scientists have also been fascinated with the idea that machines can be independent. Since the mid 20 century, they have been trying to figure out a way the machines can be capable of their own thinking and the ability to make decisions. The British mathematician Alan Turing was the first one to ask the question of whether robots can be as smart as humans someday in the future, in a paper published in 1950. The revolution came when in 1969 the first ever robot was able to move and respond to commands, introduced by the Stanford Research Institute. After years of development in 1997, "IBM's Deep Blue computer" was able to defeat a world chess champion, Garry Kasparov 4-2.

Since then, AI has come a long way and now we live in a world where Alexa or Siri exists. Google assistant is quite helpful when it comes to google maps and other usages of android phones.

The Primary Difference

Even though advanced systems such as voice assistants, robots, and auto vehicles are here, there is still a long way to go for the machines and their programming. When comes to intelligence, is measured by the ability to achieve goals in a vast set of environments. Following that, today's AI is specialized in a given task and solves problems based on the set rules and regulations. On the other hand, the human mind and intelligence are creative. If the situation of the environment is unpredictable, human minds will be able to adapt whereas AI will fail.

Next Stage of AI

The AI that is used in today's world is described as weak AI. it is not to diminish what it has achieved till now which is pretty impressive. In many areas, weak AI has been able to surpass the capabilities of a human being. However, it has not been able to act on its own, without any commands. This is why it is called weak AI as it has not reached its full potential. A strong AI is something that can act on its own, adapting to different situations on its own and solving difficult problems with similar complexity. With the development of machine learning, paired with voice assistance, it is quite possible shortly.

After all, in machine learning, the algorithms hold data and relevant patterns and if these algorithms are capable of learning, in the future, computers will eventually be more intelligent than human beings. According to the law, a human can reach the level of minimum maturity at 18 years, but with advanced machine learning, AI will be able to do that much faster.

Tags: Human vs Computer Who Wins, Computers vs Humans, Difference Between Human and Computer