Working From Home - Learn the Pros and Cons that Comes in with the New Reality of Our Lives

12th June, 2020

Working From Home Is New Reality

As the terror of the coronavirus continues to linger on our lives, many of us are getting accustomed to the work from home fashion. The method which once seemed to be far-sighted has now become the new face of reality. Several companies have greeted this approach wholeheartedly and have even endorsed other companies to step up. Working at our homes alongside our parents, children, partner, or others may have brought in quite a few challenges to our lives and there is a sharp line between balancing all of these which one needs to follow to maintain business progress and productivity.

People have now started working from their home set up and have transformed the outlook of their rooms, to relate to a physical office room. Fortunately, the robust technology network has kept up with the pace and the successful communications network has enabled us to maintain a consistent work-life balance. However, many of us are still unsure of the process and find it challenging to cope up with the scenario. For those with the same vision, read below to know a little about the various advantages and disadvantages of this new reality.




The current pandemic situation has increased the demand for more and more internet usage as a result of which more and more telephone and cable providers have decided to offer free use of the internet. Moreover, the working potential of a work from home employee increases exponentially as they can work as per their convenience which thereby increases their productivity.


Working from a home set up is quite different from what we are generally used to. Working in the presence of other members can be quite distracting and takes your attention from the work. However, if you are disciplined enough to tackle such cases, work from home is good to go.




Being disciplined and self-conscious is the first step towards success, be it in the office or at home. Working daily from 9-5 is something we abide by, but at home, you can work according to your convenient time schedule. You can take breaks when you need them and feel like, which are much more than in the office.


Getting up and putting your focus on work all by yourself can take a stroll on your motivation level. At home, you need to be more efficient and disciplined to boost yourself up every day. Once you cease to give up on your lethargy, working from home would be much easier.




By setting flexible boundaries during your work schedules you can not only perform great at work but also enjoy the little things at home which you had been missing all this while. You can wear comfortable clothes, set up your cozy place, talk to friends, and other things that come along. While you enjoy your new-found freedom, your mind works better and the results show up in your work growth.


Working from home catches the eye because people tend to think that you do not work. Because of the flexible work schedule, many can misunderstand your work for freedom which only shows their lack of judgment. Give them time to settle down with the new curve.




At the office, we do not have that sense of personal belonging which we surely have towards our home. Once you know that you are going to work from home you manage your space and time much more effectively in a calculative manner which means no more piled up clothes on your bed.


However few things make it difficult to stick to a routine at home. At the office, you do not have to set certain things in order as they are already done for you. But at homes things may vary and you find it difficult to balance and organize all at once.


Work Halts:


As working attentively is important similarly taking a break from that work is equally important. At home, you can take breaks and visit the balcony or the kitchen, or even have a short chat with your loved ones. This helps to increase your focus and gives you comfort. It is best suggested to stay away from mails and chats during the weekends.


For those who are freelancing, time means everything as they get paid for the time they put in. In this case, taking breaks can be challenging and people often remain glued to the screen forgetting to take breaks at all.


Finding The Balance:



Every employee struggles to find the proper work-life balance given the long hours of commute to working late. A work from home schedule allows them to work freely and also lets them pay attention to other aspects of life. By subtracting the long commuting hours they get ample time to dedicate those hours towards work which further ensures a better quality of work and life.


Remember that everyone runs with a different attitude and a moto, and therefore have different systems to carry out their work. This real form of work style, work from home can take a bit of time before one finally realizes how to make the best use of it. Take your time to figure out what fits the best for you.

Tags: Working From Home Is New Reality, Working From Home Tips for Success 2020, Creative Work From Home Tips, Working From Home Benefits