Boss Lady Pam Chatman The Rising “Oprah” Of The South provides “Angel On Earth” VISA Cards, Job Opportunities, And USDA

Cleveland, Mississippi Aug 13, 2020 (  - Pam Chatman also known as Boss Lady and the rising new “Oprah” Of The South is breaking the glass ceilings in the pandemic epicenter of Mississippi. Pam, a community organizer and an activist in the Mississippi Delta long before COVID-19 continued to  advocate for jobs, transportation and more in the region, She  founded the  Boss Lady Crisis Resource Team to give back to the communities and  the people of the Mississippi Delta. Immediately, Pam jumped into action once she witnessed her community truly suffering. She used her voice and rallied  everyone and every resource she had in her repertoire so she could continue to make changes  and provide assistance to those truly having difficulty during COVID. Pam honed in on pantries, food drives,  transportation and masks. She is distributing fresh food, dairy products and personal essentials across the Mississippi Delta to assist families that may live in a food desert or finding it difficult to get to groceries and stores. So she delivers products and food by either meeting them in their communities or going door-to-door when necessary. Pam has partnered with other Philanthropists to serve nearly 15 - counties with truck loads of USDA produce especially in the rural areas.

Prior to Covid, Pam Chatman assisted women and men with job opportunities. She has partnered with Fortune 500 companies, Toyota, FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, Coca  5by20, W.K.Kellogg Foundation, Foundation of the Mid-South, Delta Bus Lines and Delta Rides Transportation Organization to host workforce transportation for hundreds of folks looking for jobs. Several hundreds have taken the  opportunity to ride a bus from Mississippi to Tennessee for sustainable living wages and opportunities with benefits. This is nothing new for Pam, to shift gears when needed and provide the services that change and save lives.

Many industries have  seen a significant decline in employment. Pam, once again, stepped up to the plate and created different incentives to help get the unemployed back to work by distributing her Boss Lady “Angel On Earth” VISA Cards”.  The Visa cards are utilized by the individuals to assist with gas,  help residents pay light, gas and water bills. This initiative is funded out of her open pocket. 

Born on the same day as civil rights Fannie Lou Hamer who was known for fighting for the people. Pam Chatman is following that trail. She was recently honored with the Harriet Tubman Award by the Mississippi Bar Association. Top Women in Business in the Delta Business Journal, recognized by Wall Street Journal & the  State Capitol for creating The Work Force Transportation Project and recently nominated as the 50 leading women in business in Mississippi, 

To learn more about Boss Lady Pam Chatman and the great work she is doing in the Mississippi Delta please follow her on Instagram  @Boss_Lady_PChatman.


Media Contact

Labelleladiva Enterprises LLC

Source : Pam Chatman

Categories : Human resources , Non-profit , Open source , Services , Transportation
Tags : Oprah , Charity , Community , nonprofitorganinztion , giveback , support , covid , makeaddifference , philanthropy , visa

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