Bryan winstanley wins small business award in nova scotia canada

Halifax, Nova Scotia Jan 16, 2023 (  - Bryan Winstanley is happy to announce that we received word of our company winning the NSSB award for outstanding customer support in 2022, Bryan Winstanley said: Our staff works hard to promote small businesses here in NS and it is nice to be recognized for our efforts, and the success of our customers. We promote only local businesses and it has been a tough two years for our province and retail clients, we look forward to helping even more stores bounce back from the trying last couple of years. We are lucky to find such great staff and customers to work with and we look forward to working with even more nova scotians and fellow Canadians in the near future.
I would like to thank my staff and my customers for their reviews of our service that helps us win this award we are displaying it in our office for all our current and future customers to see. The award will be presented to Bryan Winstanley and his staff later this month at the yearly NSSB banquet.


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bryan winstanley 9025100776 206b, 70 armstrong crt

Source : winstanley marketing

Categories : Advertising , Marketing
Tags : marketing , winstanley , winstanley marketing reviews , bryan winstanley

Bryan winstanley

advertising and marketing, ad agency, marketing service for small business in nova scotia canada
206b, 70 armstrong crt
Nova Scotia, Halifax
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