BTS Fan Oli London spends $250,000 On Plastic Surgery & K-Pop Music Video

London, United Kingdom Feb 3, 2019 (  - BTS mega-fan Oli London, who made headlines last year for his shocking plastic surgery transformation to be like Jimin, the K-Pop star from Korean boyband BTS, has taken his K-Pop obsession to the next level. The K-Pop fan has released his own K-Pop song and music video Perfection, which has set him back a massive $150,000. 

The British singer previously admitted in a documentary on Barcroft TV's 'Hooked On The Look' to having spent over $100,000 on plastic surgery to look like his idol Jimin. His surgeries include; four rhinoplasties, a blepharoplasty to make his eyes bigger, jaw contouring surgery, a chin implant, liposuction on his chest and even nipple correction surgery.  

The singer has now made history by becoming the first western solo artist to ever release a K-Pop song in Korean and English. The song was released under the singers own K-Pop record label Oli London Entertainment, and he has dedicated the entire song to his idol Jimin from BTS. 

Oli explains  'The song is all about perfection and for me, Jimin is the very definition of perfection. Everything about him is perfect, from his beautiful voice to his face and his incredible dance moves. So my song pays homage to Jimin and the music video has been inspired by BTS. He added 'The lyrics resonate with people around the world from all nations and all walks of life because we are all perfection in our own way and I want people to embrace and love who they are and do what makes them happy'. 

The video was shot in multiple locations across London and features an extensive wardrobe of high-end fashion pieces from emerging Korean and British designers, a team of K-Pop dancers and a vibrant club scene where the singer poses up a storm while surrounded by his dancers. The production, promotion, distribution and music video has cost the singer an estimated $150,000. 

As the first western solo artist to ever release a K-Pop song, Oli wants to help spread Korean music and culture to new audiences around the world. His love of Korea began in 2013, when he lived in Korea for a year on the island of Jeju-do. He became so obsessed with K-Pop and the K-Pop look and so infatuated with Jimin that he underwent his first three surgeries in the same year. Oli has revealed his plans to go back to Korea this year to promote his song, to undergo more extreme procedures and to try to meet his idol Jimin.

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Oli London Entertainment
Categories : Entertainment
Tags : Kpop , Korea , Plastic Surgery , Music Video , Music , Korean , Pop star , Surgery , BTS , Jimin

Oli London Entertainment
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