Calin Ungureanu makes multiverse

Los Angeles, California Nov 9, 2021 (  - Calin Ungureanu grew up in Targoviste makes media of multiverse, for example, tv shows, movies, music, and video games. Since 2010 he makes good reality shows and other stuff. Calin has joined his father's group called "X Avion" since then. And he works on his father's TV show headquarters to make more X Avion episodes and more stuff. He published the X Avion episodes on his YouTube channel originally called "calin20041000" On February 19, 2017, Calin has moved his channel to his new network channel called "Stouak" and he founded it as a media company. Stouak publishes the X Avion episodes, Kappa movies, Pitstriker movies, and more.


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Source : CNN

Categories : Media , Movies , Multimedia , Music , Photography
Tags : Calin
Stock Ticker : CNN
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