Candy Ken Discriminated Against for wearing Pink Outfit

Beverly Hills Socialite discriminatory actions affirm Homophobic behavior.

  • Candy Ken Discriminated Against for wearing Pink Outfit
  • Candy Ken Discriminated Against for wearing Pink Outfit
  • Candy Ken Discriminated Against for wearing Pink Outfit

Los Angeles, California Feb 11, 2019 (  - Candy Ken Kicked Out of Private Party for “Flamboyant Outfit”

Beverly Hills Socialite discriminatory actions affirm Homophobic behavior.

A member of Taboost, the Social-Media Marketing and Influencer Group of Los Angeles, is under fire after she refused entry to Candy Ken because of his “flamboyant, non-conservative outfit.” According to multiple sources, the incident happened at a prestigious Beverly Hills Mansion, where party-host and apparent Taboost Liason Daisy Dennis (@DaisyDennisMua) refused Candy Ken through the doors because of his pink mesh body suit, pink fur coat, and Gucci Glasses, regardless of the fact that Taboost personally invited him.

In a short interview with Candy Ken, he stated, “I was asked if I would participate in a social media influencer party by Taboost. They asked to send a picture of myself and how many people would be coming with me. We worked out some of the minor details and looked forward to the event, but prior to going, I had several friends in the industry warn me of people in the Beverly Hills area not being as “open” as the rest of West Hollywood; I laughed – I’m Candy Ken. I love everyone. I wasn’t worried and didn’t think anything about it.

We walked up to the door and were immediately met with hostility. Daisy Dennis led me to believe she owned the property, and asked me to leave because my outfit didn’t fit Taboost’s standards. Obviously I was shocked and really didn’t know what to say, especially with the girls walking around half-naked and other men in hoodies. We asked what was specifically wrong, and she responded by looking me and my gay friend up and down, and saying that it was conservative event.”

During the altercation, Candy Ken was able to record part of the conversation where Daisy Dennis affirms his outfit is not conservative enough for the party, and that the property is currently “at-capacity.” Sources allege that Daisy Dennis later made derogatory remarks in reference to Candy Ken’s sexual preference.

Both Candy Ken and Daisy Dennis have each posted on their Instagram pages, explaining the details of the event. However, less than a few hours later, Daisy Dennis deleted the posts.

Social Media Influencers flooded Daisy Dennis’ posts with comments regarding the incident. Gina Valentina (@darealginavalentina) wrote:

"I know @candyken69 personally & he’s just the sweetest guy ever .. & honestly just looking at you I can tell you felt uncomfortable with yourself just because of how this man dresses. it’s a shame your such a pretty girl with such an ugly inside .. shame on you & your white trash parents that raised you to be that way ... smh we’re all different & theirs nothing wrong w that but we should never be a shame one another just by the way we look or dress but by our actions & who we are inside ... & YOU DISGUST ME!"

Breena Ylala (@breenaylala) also made comment directly to Candy Ken saying, "I’m so sorry this happened to you, Ken…. It was not over capacity at all at 8:15 yet; it was literally getting started love… I’m so glad you said something. I want answers from Taboost too after your experience, I do not tolerate discrimination like that."

Daisy Dennis post and reactions can be found here:

Candy Ken’s post can be found here:

Let’s hear some answers?!? ???????????? what do you guys think about this??? @daisydennismua threw me out of her house yesterday at a social media influencer party that they invited me 2 because I don’t dress conservative enough??? Even thou she’s half naked on the gram and there were girls showing cleavage at the party and now they blaming capacity even thou it was a clear act of discrimination against me and @mac_glitzy ???????????? its 2019 and the unicorn-gang won’t accept this bullshit ⛔️⛔️⛔️ if anyone got any questions I’m happy to answer in the comments ⬇️ I’m shocked and can’t believe how people think they more or less worthy and how the clothes u wear make a difference and u don’t wanna be associated with me because I dress differently ???????????? blows my mind ...

Taboost and Daisy Dennis have not responded to multiple contact requests.

In a follow up Candy Ken said, “It’s sad, you know, we are in 2019 and people are still afraid of cultures they don’t understand. Obviously, the girl is apologetic after finding out I have an Instagram following, but the truth is that without being called out, Daisy would’ve just gone about her day. Gender norms and sexual preference should not be a reason to dismiss people you don’t understand. I hope Taboost and Daisy Dennis learn from their actions and understand where they went wrong.”

You can read the full press release here:


For comments, questions, and interview requests please contact Eric Garcia –


1st Avenue Media

Eric Garcia



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1st Avenue Media 9098358982

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Categories : Entertainment , Event , Fashion , Lifestyle
Tags : gay lifestyale , discrimination , candyken69 , candy ken
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