Cardabbean Islands Metaverse on Cardano Blockchain to welcome DIBS Game co-founder

Okeechobee, Florida Feb 4, 2022 (  - One of DIBS Game's co-founders, Ted Vee, has joined the board of the Cardabbean Islands Metaverse, which is being built on the Cardano Blockchain. Vee stated his decision to join the project to those in attendance at the Block Chain Expo in Miami, FL last January:

"Like any other Metaverse, I was acquiring a land parcel for our game, but as I got to know the team, I was enthralled by their concept. Because it takes place on a group of islands, we'll be deploying our game in a unique mobile parcel: a cruise ship. Many of our players like cruising in the Caribbean, so it was a perfect fit for us." - Vee explained.

DIBS Game and Cardabbean Islands Metaverse are planning other joint ventures with a variety of initiatives in order to bring the Cardano community together and collaborate in order for the Cardano Ecosystem to develop.




Media Contact

Dibs Game Co. (863) 703-0267 PO Box 3356
Categories : Finance , Games
Tags : metaverse , cardano , blockchain , dibs , cardabbean , ada , pinacolada
Stock Ticker : DIBS
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