Turin, Torino Aug 5, 2023 (Issuewire.com) - The second International Symposium of the Association Forensic Odontology for Human Rights (AFOHR) will be held in Turin, Italy, from the 12th to the 14th of October 2023, in collaboration with the Section of Legal Medicine of the University of Turin, chief prof. Giancarlo Di Vella.
The theme for AFOHR 2023 is ‘challenges in human identification’ which asks the forensic science community to review contemporary practices and consider strategies to improve human identification processes, in the light of both current and future challenge.
The symposium will bring together experts from around the world to share their knowledge and experience in the field of forensic odontology and its applications in human rights investigations and advocacy. The symposium is an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in humanitarian forensics, including case studies, research findings, and best practices, as well as to network with other professionals in the field, exchange ideas and experiences, and explore potential collaborations. On the 14th of October also a parallel section (in Italian) on Dental Law organized by the Italian Academy of Legal and Forensic Dentistry (OL-F).
Organizing chairman prof. Emilio Nuzzolese, highlights that emerging trends and practices in forensic odontology have successfully spread across the globe for humanitarian forensic odontology, bringing together researchers, academics, and learners to serve nations. AFOHR, promotes humanitarian forensic odontology and forensics and has been working tirelessly since 2015 to prevent human rights violations, joining hands with other experts in forensics from over thirty different countries. This second symposium, like the previous one, is a remarkable forum for knowledge, inviting scientists, academics, researchers, and learners under one roof to share and encourage new technologies and trends, with the purpose of improving the human identification process and respecting the human rights of the deceased".
Keynote Speakers include prof. Hemlata Pandey (India), prof. Petra Urbanová (Czechoslovakia), prof. Raffaella Bianucci (Italy), prof. Akiko Kumagai (Japan), prof. Roberto Cameriere (Italy), prof. Wendy Velezmoro (Perù), Dr. Sven Benthaus, (Germany), prof. Rakesh Gorea (india), Dr. Elena Chierto (Italy), and Dr. Fabrizio Pace (Association Penelope Piemonte).
All accepted papers will be published in Oral (mdpi editor opens access Journal) with no APC charge and the Best Poster and Oral Communication will receive the "John Clement” Best paper Award. Also the 2023 “Humanitarian Forensic Odontology Award" will be delivered among the nominations received.
On the website of the event, www.afohr2023turin.com, one can register and learn the entire scientific program, which includes also panel discussions, workshops (one on Humanitarian Forensic Odontology and one on Dental Estimation), and social events.
Media Contact
Association Forensic Odontology for Human Rights afohrofficial@gmail.com http://www.afohr.org