Coronavirus in the UK - Employers Questioning Workplace Safety Measures

UK Businesses Searching for Safeguards in Relation to Coronavirus

London, United Kingdom Jan 29, 2020 (  - Coronavirus

Embargo: For Immediate Release

London based specialist risk company,, release immediate details of their new Coronavirus Workplace Safety Poster, in response to the increased risks associated with the recent outbreak of Wuhan Novel Coronavirus.

With Coronavirus now actively spreading on a global basis,  many UK based companies and organisations have found that the response from their established safety suppliers and advisors has been somewhat lacking when it comes to this new Novel Coronavirus.

With panic buying leading to many leading suppliers and manufacturers literally running out of stock (Virus Masks, Hand Sanitisers being the most common) there has also been a shortage of information on exactly what a responsible employer should, or shouldn't do...

Most of the UK Government's efforts are aimed at the general public and don't directly relate to the workplace. 

Given that most modern workplaces involve personnel working within close proximity of their colleagues, there has been an obvious and justified clamor for workplace-specific information and what, if any, a policy they should be putting into place?

To address this need, we have now published a workplace-specific informational safety poster, which outlines everything from the basic aetiology of the virus, right through to how to identify common symptoms and how to implement "best practice" precautions.  

When communicating your vital and updated safety information, this allows you to display the literature as prominently as possible - with a view of attracting as much visual traffic as possible. For example, outside male and female restrooms, in canteens/restaurants and within the main entrances and receptions. 

A major part of implementing a structured response is to remove unnecessary fear, panic, and misinformation. There are wildly conflicting reports of infection and mortality rates and also numerous articles containing completely irrelevant (fake news) and false claims. The publishers have designed and authored their product to counter this, with a view to providing users with clear, concise and factual information.

With a proactive workplace strategy in place, employers can now readily meet their objectives of Protecting Personnel, Workplaces, and their Reputations.  



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Categories : Education , Environment , Health , Human resources , Medical
Tags : coronavirus , safety , health , information , workplace , products , first aid , symptoms , news
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