Credit Repair Company Clear Credit Solutions Featured In Some Of Largest Industry Specific Publications

Coffs Harbour, New South Wales Jun 16, 2022 (  - The company Clear Credit Solutions has recently been featured in two of Australia's leading finance and broking publications, 'Australian Broker' and 'The Adviser'. These press release articles talk about the benefits of credit repair and how Clear Credit Solutions is one of the best credit repair companies in Australia.

The company Clear Credit Solutions has been helping people with credit repair for over 10 years, and their team of credit experts is able to provide a personalised credit repair service that is tailored to an individual's needs.

These press release articles provide information on the credit repair industry itself, and they also provide insights into why it is beneficial, what to look for in a credit repair company and what to avoid. This information is presented with direct quotes from Peter Cole, Director of Clear Credit Solutions.

Some of the quotes and insights provided by Peter Cole include:

"It is a complex, time-consuming process. You might have to contact the credit reporting agencies [Equifax, Experian, and Illion] as well as credit providers such as banks, telcos, and credit card providers."

“If the agency finds the client’s credit report contains incorrect negative listings – which is a lot more common than you might realise – the credit repair agency can take steps to have those listings removed.

“That should then improve the client’s credit score and hopefully give the broker a chance to bring the deal back to life with either the same or different lender.”

Anyone interested in these Clear Credit Solutions media mentions can view them on the company's website along with the respective publication sites.


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Tags : credit repair , clear credit solutions

Clear Credit Solutions
New South Wales
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