Daniel Imperato - Papal Knight, Knight of Malta, Grand Prior, Dr. Fr. Dean of ABG Ministries

Papal Knight Vatican City - Secretary of State

Palm Beach, Florida May 17, 2021 (Issuewire.com)  - Dr. Fr. Daniel Imperato has done numerous things to make this world a better place. He is a responsible global citizen and recipient of several awards and honors including the Papal Knight from the Vatican, Knight of Malta - Coptic Order, The Grand Prior of Orden Bonaria, and more.   

Dr. Daniel Imperato has spent time in Rome in the office of archbishop in Vatican City. He has hands-on experience and knowledge about working inside the Holy See. His relationship with the apostolic world and the nuncio Apostolic are praise-worthy.

Papal Knight Vatican City - Secretary of State 

This Pontifical order of knighthood is bestowed in the name of the Pope of the Catholic Church. The pope is the head authority of the Holy See and sovereign of the Vatican City.

The order of Papal Knight refers to the five equestrian orders of the Holy See. These are awarded by the Supreme Pontiff and bestowed upon the worthy.

  • Supreme Order of Christ
  • Order of the Golden Spur
  • Order of Pius IX
  • Order of Saint Gregory the Great
  • Order of Saint Sylvester

Knight of Malta - Coptic Order

Officially known as The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and Malta, The Knight of Malta is of military, chivalric, and noble nature. It possesses no territory but is an entity of international law maintaining diplomatic relations with many countries worldwide. 

The Knight of Malta order bestowed on Daniel Imperato is largely focused on providing humanitarian assistance and maintaining humanitarian relations. For this reason, it has been granted permanent observer status at the United Nations General Assembly since 1994.

Grand Priorate - USA & Canada

Dr. Daniel Imperato is the Grand Prior of Orden Bonaria for the USA & Canada. As such he is also the foreign affairs representative at the United Nations. 

Orden Bonaria is one of the world’s longest-running global humanitarian organizations. It is an internationally recognized title honored by many other countries around the world, including the United Nations.

Dean of ABG Ministries, NYC

Daniel Imperato has many facets to his persona. He is the Dean of Anointed by God Ministries University, NYC, which is the most comprehensive center for graduate study of religion. Students here are trained to shape the church and serve all creation, including humanity.

Extensive programs at the ABG university garnish the ability of students to excel to the next level to achieve more education or to go into the workforce. This diploma helps them leap forward. The ABG university has streamlined the certification exam process and is currently implementing the understanding of the application.

Dr. Daniel JP Imperato


Daniel Imperato is a global authority on international affairs. With immense hands-on experience, he is well qualified in global business, inter-religious dialogue, and global politics. 

Dr. Daniel J Imperato has introduced many wealthy nationals across the world to rich, well-established foreigners. He is a Paraclete to the global human community. And has received several awards and honors over time. 

Other Awards &Honors

  • Papal Knight - Vatican City State
  • Knight of Malta - Coptic Order
  • Grand Prior of Orden Bonaria
  • Knight & Friar Orden Bonaria, Madrid, Spain
  • Orden Bonaria, Argentina
  • Minister Common Treasury, Orden Bonaria
  • United Nations Representative, Orden Bonaria, NYC
  • Latin American Christian Association, NYC
  • African Center Foundation HIV/AIDS, Board Member - Lagos, Nigeria
  • New York State Regional Police Chaplain, NYC
  • Licenced Real Estate Sales Person
  • Former Licensed Mortgage Banker

Globally Acclaimed Persona

Apart from Dr. Daniel Imperato’s linguistic capabilities over several foreign languages, he is also trained in speech therapy, and body language. He is a strategic thinker and well placed to connect you with the rest of the world. 


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