Darren DC Lyons and Korrior, Inc. releases e-book  “A Day in the Life in a Skilled Nursing Facility"

Short Stories take a humorous look at a “young man’s” time trapped in a nursing home. 

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Sep 30, 2018 (Issuewire.com)  - In 2017 and 2018 DC Lyons’ successful executive customer experience career was stopped due to several health issues including two below-knee amputations, stage 5 kidney disease that requires dialysis 3 days a week, and congestive heart failure.  His rehabilitation required months in a skilled nursing facility.  As a 52-year-old man “trapped" in a nursing home, DC had a unique perspective on this experience.  These 19 short stories or “shorts” share his daily adventures, the people that he meets and how his interactions with the nurses, therapists, vendors, and other residents impacted his journey. The e-book is available on Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com, and iBooks (www.amazon.com/-/e/B07HS5Q9NK

A skilled nursing facility, which is a nursing home that provides medically necessary therapeutic services, has a culture as unique and quirky as the people who are confined to them.  Darren, being a relatively young man as well as a mentally sharp patient, shaped the staff interactions with him, which tended to be social, confrontational and often very funny.  His wife’s efforts to support him through this ordeal adds a flavor to what would be routine visits.  Darren describes his style of writing as “scholastic urban” as he is as apt to quote Shakespeare as quickly as he may quote 2Pac to describe his observations.  Each story is sprinkled with Darren’s descriptive, detailed style that invites you to touch, smell and feel the humor, fear, sadness, and inspiration of the ins and outs of his daily life.  It doesn’t matter if you have a loved one in a nursing home, work in a nursing home or may someday find yourself as a resident of a facility.  These shorts will make you reflect on your health and “feel more human” towards the ill and shut-in.   

Several of these “shorts” was originally posted on Facebook in real time, which allowed Darren to get feedback from friends who would be transformed into raving fans of his literary work.  Readers of his posts have expressed great enthusiasm for the project; "Your stories read like a novel! You should consider a book deal.  I thoroughly am enjoying your perspective. Godspeed!” -S. Jackson.  "I look forward to your stories every morning.  I have been doing dialysis for 15 years and can relate.” - W. Talley.  “I absolutely love your posts.  I stalk you every morning.  It’s super cool.  My wife and I review them also when we get home”  -D. Kelly.  From the antics of "Bon’Quisha," Darren’s eclectic CNA, or the touching story of Harry, painstakingly supporting his gravely ill wife, Sally, “A Day in the Life" will make you laugh out loud, shed a few tears and feel inspired.  

Information about the author: 

During a 20-year customer experience career, Darren built relationships across the globe traveling to Asia and Central America over 15 times each and leading diverse organizations of over 1,000 full-time employees (FTE). At the height of his corporate career, DC was an Assistant Vice President for The Hartford Insurance Group, leading 500 Licensed Insurance Agents across 4 domestic sites.  Darren used a vegetarian diet to lose more than 260 pounds over an eight-year period. He obtained his Master's Degree in Organizational Management from The University of Phoenix and a Bachelor of Arts in History from George Mason University.  Darren and his lovely wife Elaine recently founded Korrior, Inc. with a vision to create inspirational books and faith-based media projects.  Darren’s memoir, "With Worn Out Tools: Navigating The Rituals of Mid Life" is scheduled to be released in the winter of 2019.  Recently, Darren became a member of The John Maxwell Team as a trainer, coach, and speaker.  He is available for speaking engagements at dclyons.ceokinc@gmail.com.


Media Contact

DC Lyons korrior@icloud.com 405-777-3086 2701 Watermark Blvd https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07HS5Q9NK

Source : Korrior, Inc.

Categories : Books
Tags : e-book , humor , nursing homes , inspiration


Writer/World Traveler/Amputee/Grandpa
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