Los Angeles, California Jun 6, 2024 (Issuewire.com) - The Bible teaches us that our Lord Jesus said, “I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly” (JN 10:10). This verse expresses to us that we as Christians should be living a more abundant life meaning that the Christian life should be filled with joy and happiness. After we first get saved we are full of joy because of the wonderful gift of eternal life that God has given to us freely, but after a while, the newness wears off and we fall back into that daily routine of a mundane existence. This is not what Jesus intended for us. This book points out the things that cause us to lose our joy in Christ and then it reveals all the ways in which we as mere humans try to find our joy through our own fleshly efforts and avenues. We need to understand that it was a supernatural event that gave us that joy to begin with and it will be through the same supernatural actions of God that will restore it. These human efforts that we make trying to find happiness ourselves just lead to more sadness, depression and frustration. After we understand what we have been doing wrong, then the book turns the reader back to God and shows them how to restore that happiness through the methods that God provides in His Word.
About the Author:
David Boudreaux has now written five spiritually based books and is no stranger to the publishing industry. This book “Lord Jesus Please Help Me Find My Happy” was his first published spiritual book and his work is becoming well established and recognized in the field of Christian literature. David has earned his bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Theology and is an ordained minister. He has previously served the Lord as an evangelist and a pastor and now he believes that God wants him to share the things that he has learned along the way through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in his writings. David is also an aircraft maintenance technician, an aircraft inspector and a certified private pilot. He is currently the chief of aircraft maintenance for Hood Aero in Hood River Oregon where he continues to serve the Lord with his ministry of authoring Christian literature and teaching spiritual classes. He believes the fact that he still, “works for a living” as he likes to word it, makes it easier for him to relate to those that he hopes to reach with his work. David’s books have been featured on the show “This Week In America” with Rick Bratton, has been featured in several book festivals across the country and has been highlighted in the “Publishers Weekly” magazine. His material is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and numerous other online sites as well as at his own website at boudreauxministries.com. On his website you can see all of his books and read a little about each one as well as ongoing campaigns and place orders should you choose to.
Media Contact
David Boudreaux *****@yahoo.com (832) 928-4725 3624 Airport Dr, Hood River, Or. 97031 https://www.boudreauxministries.com