Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh Aug 30, 2021 ( - Delirium is a collection of short stories in the horror genre by Akshita Pandey who describes herself as an active WordPress blogger and a believer of the unbelievable. This book features entities from across the globe and stories of people who got victimized by unexplained forces.
The existence of spiritual entities still remains a mystery, although this book proposes itself as a portal to peep into the world that is unknown to mankind and lives in the curious corners of our heads. The stories in this book are illustrative of the element that unites man-kind regardless of the existing diversity; fear. Fear that unites people yet tears away individuals from their own consciousness.
Akshita Pandey, the author of this book, born in 2001 is an aspiring author who is trying to feed her interest in the realm of supernatural and spirituality, through her words. She believes in the unbelievable, which shines the light upon her fondness, for mystical subjects. How Thoughts Become Things was her first self-published handbook.
The publisher's website describes this book as spiritual.
"Your mind is a powerful thing, holding within itself, the ability to turn your thoughts into things. This book aims at shining some light upon the concept of Law of Attraction, to polish your power of manifestation, and also, to brush away few misconceptions. Who are you? well, your identity is much more superior than you realize. Above all, you are a spiritual being, on a spiritual journey, called life. The ultimate goal of this book is to enlighten you, about the strength that you hold within yourself." - source NotionPress
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