Dholera Smart City Industrial, Commercial Plot Price, Scheme

Interested in knowing Dholera Smart City Industrial, Commercial Plot Price, or Business Lands. Get a cost-effective Dholera Plot Scheme with RSC Realty now.

Ahmedabad, Gujarat Jun 8, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - We are one of the best growing real estate firms inside Dholera SIR that sell plots, land, home, and commercial property outside and inside Dholera SIR. We are committed to providing the best service to our clients and fulfilling their needs.

Dholera Special Investment Region (DSIR) is among the first and the largest of the eight production cities to be developed under Phase-I of the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor and is intended to be the earliest and biggest smart, sustainable” greenfield industrial town” located approximately 100 km south of Ahmedabad to appeal to a population of 2 million, employing over 8,00,000 by 2042.


Media Contact

RSC Realty info@dholeraa.com 9081959959 Near Mamlatdar Office. Dholera. Ahmedabad, Gujarat 382455, India. https://dholeraa.com/
Categories : Real Estate
Tags : Price Appreciation & Regular Rental Income , Sustainability & Holistic Living , World Class Infrastructure , Efficient Governance , Ease of Doing Business , dholera real estate , dholera industrial land price , commercial plot in dholera sir , dholera smart city industrial plot price
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