EBL Coaching Offers Specialized Tutoring for Autism Awareness Month

  • EBL Coaching Offers Specialized Tutoring for Autism Awareness Month

Manhattan, New York Apr 25, 2024 (Issuewire.com)  - EBL Coaching is a one-on-one, specialized tutoring program that offers individualized, research-based tutoring to children with specialized learning needs in grades pre-K to 12. This organization is led by Dr. Emily Levy, a lifelong advocate for students who struggle with their academics. Dr. Levy recognizes the importance of bringing further awareness to communities about autism and special education needs. Her goal this month (and every month) is to educate and enlighten others on the challenges and plus sides of autism.

As to a background on Dr. Levy, she is an educational expert, author, and advocate for students with special education needs. Her Master's Degree is in Special Education and her Doctorate Degree is in Education. She performed a five-year research study on an alternative strategy for teaching reading comprehension to students with learning disabilities and received a fifth place Westinghouse Science and Talent Award for this research. In 2017, Dr. Levy was selected as one of Bergen County’s Commission on the Status of Women Honorees during Women’s History Month. She also performs public speaking on special education topics both nationally and internationally and writes regularly for a number of education publications.

In honor of autism awareness month, Dr. Levy is offering specialized tutoring packages for students with autism, custom tailored to each student’s individual needs. Families across the country can take advantage of this tutoring. To learn more, visit: www.eblcoaching.com.


Media Contact

Cindy Mich cin4251@gmail.com 4146986577 826 W Riverview Dr, Milwaukee, WI, 53209, USA https://cindy-mich-award-winning-journalist.yolasite.com/

Source : EBL Coaching

Categories : Education , Family , Services
Tags : Emily Levy , EBL Coaching