Ego Rehab Is Now Accepting Patients

Los Angeles, California Feb 10, 2025 (  - Ego Rehab, a blog, online spiritual community, and “ego addiction” support program, is now open and accepting “patients”!

Ego Rehab is a movement to transcend ego, toward a more conscious world. It was founded by Ellen Simonetti, the CEO (Chief Ego Officer), clinical director, counselor, website administrator, content creator, and primary patient. Simonetti is a former flight attendant and recovering ego addict who resides on the island of Maui, Hawaii. She says, “What the world needs now is for everyone to look at their egos and decide that’s not where they want to live from, especially our world leaders! I’m not going to mention any names, because we don’t do ego interventions at Ego Rehab, but there is definitely a US president who would do well to check his ‘self’ into Ego Rehab!”

Ego Rehab uses Eckhart Tolle’s definition of ego, complete identification with the form identity, which includes the will, mind, and emotions. The goal of Ego Rehab is to move out of the egoic state of consciousness and connect to a deeper level of Being.

“Ego Rehab is about recognizing the light inside each and every one of us and living from there,” Simonetti explains. “We will study our egos and explore what’s been running our lives up until now and shift that to Truth/Peace/Presence/Love. The Ego Rehab community is here to support you. Ego Rehab is about coming together, not moving further apart.”

People can check themselves into Ego Rehab for free by joining the conversation at on the community forum entitled “Ego Rehab Check In Here”.

Simonetti plans to host her first free virtual Ego Rehab support group on Zoom next month. She also offers one-on-one donation-based ego counseling.

Ego Rehab is a noncommercial ad- and sponsor-free website and non-guru-based, all-inclusive joyful spiritual community and support network that will not mine, sell, or claim ownership of your personal information or content. Ego Rehab’s motto is “Get over yourself (your false self) and rest in Peace while you’re still alive!”

Media Contact

Ego Rehab/Ellen Simonetti 808-500-1616

Source : Ego Rehab

Categories : Education , Entertainment , Free , Internet , Services
Tags : Spirituality , consciousness , unity , transcendence , Presence , community , peace , break free

Ego Rehab

Ego Rehab is a blog, online spiritual community, and “ego addiction” support program.
Makawao, Hawaii
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