Atlanta, Georgia Jul 19, 2020 ( - If when you hear Kendrick Lamar you imagine high frequency rap, think again. Elijah Hue has added another sense to the phrase, high frequency rap. Hue is expressive, agreeable, and Hue’s music cures a Hip Hop fix. When asked why he is so passionate about what he puts into his music, Hue says “It’s my love for art and expressing my truth. No one else can give a outlook, they can share but never owning my truth.” Coming from what is said to be the birthplace of Rick Ross and Blues, Clarksdale Mississippi. This alone says a lot about the emcees’ passion that bleeds through his music. Music greatness seems to be in his blood. The epic lyrics of such songs “Anti-Freeze,” will give some a refreshing outlook during the tiring times everyone is currently experiencing. For those looking for lyrical emcees, Hue should be one of your top go tos for music.
If for one second, anything Hue raps goes over your head or is too deep it may be because of some of his influences. Most in Hip Hop do not look up to Albert Camus and Friedrich Nietzsche, let alone who they are. Both of these Philosophers were culture critics defined the times with their words. Hue is a melodic writer hailed by others as timeless... Fearless... a Gravitating Distinction most dont have in the industry. Always intense and eager to share his enthusiasm for his craft. Every track speaks for itself.
When Hue is not being a very busy and sought after, Hue can be found indulging himself in things that will change the lives of those that influence and support his vision. Only being in the industry 2 years, his lyrics are mature. Working with Songwriter Gary Vincent, has given Hue a foot door that most have to wait years and years for. You have to good to work with a Songwriter that works with Morgan Freeman. Being a Philosopher and thinker will keep Hue around for years to come. The fact that he does not represent just one culture, nor does he want to be anyone’s idol. Creating content with the intent to change versus clout, unlike many artists out now. Being an eccentric emcee has landed Hue some notable achievements. He has been in the Local Press Register, the Jackson, Mississippi newspaper, winner of Juke Joint Festival essay contest, winner of Tennessee Williams Stage Acting contest. It’s apparent that Hue’s accolades won’t stop there.
With a niche and song delivery especially crafted for Hip Hop, Hue intends to have you thinking on a different level.
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