Embrace A New Imperfect Mindset

Learn to embrace your imperfections and become empowered to be unique!

Peterborough, Cambridge Apr 10, 2024 (Issuewire.com)  - Are you ready to take the leap to embrace and respect your imperfections and love them as much as your perfections?

That's certainly, what the founder of 'Living Imperfectly Perfect' Jemma Blythe is attempting to do. Through being diagnosed with CPTSD and PCOS, she's learned that a lot of shame comes with being diagnosed with different mental health and physical conditions and she sets out through her Newsletter and Social Media platforms to erase the stigmas surrounding being diagnosed with different conditions. 

Jemma believes that, once you have been diagnosed with something, you have two choices, the first one being to wallow in self-pity or self-loathing and the second one is to help others see that there is light at the end of the tunnel by sharing and embracing what is unique to you. 

She is certainly not one to wallow, as Jemma is setting out to teach others that a simple mindset shift is all you need to do, once you've been diagnosed with something, after all she calls her PCOS symptoms her Imperfectly Perfects that she lives with on a daily basis. She was also open in one of her recent Newsletters titled 'Speak Up' which is her own story of when she was diagnosed with PCOS. 

Jemma broadly encourages other people across Social Media to stand up and be proud of their Imperfectly Perfects, from symptoms to daily mistakes with the hashtag #LivingImperfectlyPerfect to shout about it across different Social Media platforms, proving 'Living Imperfectly Perfect' is more than just a Newsletter. 

You can find out more about the work Jemma does via her Instagram and Facebook page. You can start to live  Imperfectly Perfect by subscribing to the ‘Living Imperfectly Perfect’ newsletter here.

So you can start to Live Imperfectly Perfect too!


Media Contact

Jemma Blythe: Living Imperfectly Perfect *****@gmail.com https://jemmablythe.substack.com

Source : Jemma Blythe

Categories : Health , Lifestyle
Tags : mindset , mentalhealth , changemindset , healthierlife , nocomparisons , PCOS , SocialMedia

Living Imperfectly Perfect

Learn to embrace your imperfections and become empowered to be unique!
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