Energy Auditors in Delhi India

  • Energy Auditors in Delhi India
  • Energy Auditors in Delhi India
  • Energy Auditors in Delhi India
  • Energy Auditors in Delhi India

New Delhi, Delhi Nov 17, 2018 (  - We all know high energy consumption attracts high power bills which causes companies to shell out money which they usually can use for their growth and expansion.

Hence, energy audit becomes vital to curtail the expenses for any organizations and utilized this saved money elsewhere for their growth prospects.  Energy Audit is conducted by Energy Auditors in Delhi India who are certified by BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency). Energy Auditors in India need to clarify the exam conducted by BEE to get their certification.

Hence, the role of Energy Auditors in Delhi India is crucial for any Energy Audit Company to proper.

Their role can be summarized as below:

  • To gather previous energy bills and related financial statements of the organization.
  • To work out on some profitable ratios like energy cost to profit ratio, the energy cost to revenue ratio to derive the importance of energy in operations.
  • To check the cost structure of all the previous electricity bills and their composition.
  • To list all the equipment running on electricity with their size, operation hours & load.
  • Identifying equipment with high energy consumption from the list.
  • To find out major energy equipment in the order of priority.
  • To identify Energy Conservation Opportunities ( ECO ) and to determine the retrofit and correction to be done to reduce energy input to the equipment.
  • To find out expected returns and savings by carrying out above activity.
  • To find out the steps and procedure required to carry our ECO.
  • To find out expected cost in completing the process.
  • To perform a cost-benefit analysis on the ECO.
  • To prioritize depending on the net return from the proposed investment to get ROI (Return on Investment).
  • To list out all the facts and to report the same to management for approval.
  • To organize and implement the energy audit process.

To sum up, Energy Auditors carry out all the above activities to save on energy. Well, there are lots of case studies conducted by MGCS, Energy Audit Company in Delhi India which has lots of BEE Certified Energy Auditors who are actively helping their customers to get the energy-saving benefit as Energy Audit is a continuous process to be conducted every year to derive the maximum output from the input supply.


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Source : MGCS

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Tags : Energy Auditors in Delhi India
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