District of Columbia, United States May 12, 2020 (Issuewire.com) - In a historic call to action, faith communities and leaders throughout the United States are responding to a global appeal made recently by the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity (HCHF) inviting fellow faith brethren throughout the world to join together in imploring G-d’s mercy, healing, forgiveness, and guidance through the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Across the globe, all sheltered in their homes, offices, sanctuaries, or wherever they maybe are being asked to unite together spiritually while adhering to safe spatial distancing practices by taking a moment on the same day to pray, fast, and engage in charitable acts on May 14. The HCHF’s Appeal is being supported by Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and other faith institutions and communities across the globe from the Vatican to Al-Azhar University.
In support of HCHF’s Appeal, the Community Wide Shuraa Conference™ (CWSC) and American Muslim 360® will co-sponsor Faith Communities Together: Prayers for the World...A Global Day of Invocation & Supplication to the Creator on Thursday, May 14, 2020, beginning at 2 p.m. (EST), to take a moment and join fellow brethren throughout the world via a simulcast international radio broadcast featuring a succession of du’as offered by representatives of the world’s faithful.
The Event will air live on CWSC’s broadcasting network American Muslim 360® (AM360.org) and also by telephone at (701) 719-4197, followed by an interfaith panel discussion with audience call-in.
Read more here about the Appeal.
Helping lead the invitation and organizing effort is Masjid Muhammad, Washington D.C. (the Nation’s Mosque) working in tandem with CWSC, AM360 and a national network of other Islamic institutions and interfaith organizations across the country to help publicize the May 14 Event.
A global call to all the faithful reflects the times, states Dr. Talib Shareef, Imam of Masjid Muhammad, Washington, D.C., known as the Nation’s Mosque. Dr. Shareef is a recognized leader in interfaith relations and immediately upon learning of the Appeal, took steps to merge a similar effort that was underway to help bring all together in seeking the Creator’s Mercy and Guidance for every community on earth in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
While U.S. political officials were forecasting an Easter opening of the U.S. economy and initiation of the easing of spatial distancing policies instituted to “flatten the curve” or prevent what was quickly becoming a catastrophic loss of human lives, the easing, and trepid re-opening is actually occurring during the Islamic Month of Ramadan in which nearly 25% of the world’s faithful are already fasting, engaging in charity and imploring G-d’s Help.
Among other holy days, the Jewish Passover, Christian Easter, and Islamic periods of Ramadan occurring in close succession this year have all been impacted by the pandemic that as of May 2, 2020, has claimed more than 240,000 lives globally with over 3.4 million cases. The U.S. leads the world in the number of infections with a dramatic rise occurring since the first week of March, and more than 64,000 have been lost to the coronavirus (COVID-19) with a disturbing disparate impact on the elderly, African Americans, and other historically disadvantaged communities of color.
With states and jurisdictions in debate and uncertain about when and how to re-open safely against the backdrop of a horrific public health crisis marked by devastating economic impacts, growing partisan infighting, and pockets of civil unrest, the sentiment among a great many of the faithful is perhaps captured by Dr. Shareef: “It’s clear that leadership across the spectrum and at every level is facing a crisis and conundrum of Scriptural proportion, and we need God’s Help…the Creator of all systems of knowledge to influence and guide our leaders including those in science, economics, and politics. We need the guidance of G-d in all our deliberations to ensure we think and act in the spirit of our universal kinship—our shared humanity.”
For more information, please contact:
Imam Chaplain Abdul Azeez, New York, N.Y., Dir. CWSC National Leadership Advisory and Ambassador Programs at info@cwsc.us or (910) 317-0297.
Fitrah Muhammad, International Relations / Program Development, Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque, Washington, D.C., info@thenationsmosque.org or (202) 425-5815.
Media Contact
Imam Chaplain Abdul Azeez - Community Wide Shuraa Conference, Inc. info@cwsc.us 910.317.0297 Marina Village, 4905 34th Street S #185 http://cwsc.us