City of Dallas, Texas Jul 9, 2021 ( - Defamation was used regularly against the Pro Se victim father, in the 255th Court, and is systematically being used against others apparently in Dallas, TX divorce courtrooms at the George Allen Sr. Building. Opposing lawyers told judges according to the court record that the father had a "pattern of neglect" after the father reported maternal visitation child abuse every time the victim child returned home, was "likely to stalk" after fabricating evidence, and that he was "emotionally and financially unstable" after the victim father was financially defrauded and the victim child was returned home time and time again with clear signs of maternal child abuse (proven in an over 200 file USB given to CPS). They further went on to say that the victim father "didn't have a family" when after thorough review it was found that the father had a network of over 50 people in his "family". Unscathed by all the slander/perjury they further went on to hide over two thousand dollars in child support monies from the formal Decree in malpractice with libel and signed the victim fathers' name to it without his consent. According to the victim father, some bad practicing lawyers and judges are actively taking advantage of children's piety and credit for child support monies without regard for their safety, their sanctity, and/or their fresh person (appending the title IV child support monies to the victim child instead of the parents by using child support fraud and solicitation for the victim child as weapons against their unsuspecting parents). Furthermore, the judges and various lawyers were cited for Federal crimes for not respecting Federal Victims' Rights laws, Legal Moral/Ethic Codes, and/or State Constitutional Law in divorce court. Courts in Dallas, TX were also found to have not actively been checking for perjury, fraud, and other crimes in their "civil" courtrooms but simply rushing to judgement capriciously.
The Pro Se victim father's and victim child's case is now pending review and action in the Federal Supreme Court under #20-1687 after the criminal mother tried to have him placed in a mental institution in order to further financially defraud him with his own family members and ultimately after she was unsuccessful with the conspiracy to defraud and to have him placed in a mental institution, tried to have him killed through mutual acquaintances. Judges and lawyers have been unavailable for comment on the case or even emergency contact which has left the victim child damaged, in eminent danger, and without her victim father for 2/3 of her life now due to the crimes committed. The victim child has since been registered with the Amber Alert Service, as an Exploited, Missing, and Solicited victim child since maternal parental visitation and alienation child abuse has continued to mar custody arrangements due to fraudulent documents and a poorly crafted Decree.
The following citations have also been requested of the Federal Enforcement, the State of Texas DA, and State of Texas AG due to ongoing crimes against the victim father and victim child:
Maternal Abuser and Fraud:
Perjury / Aggravated Perjury (multiple counts during 255th Court trial) (Penal Code§ 37.03)
Fraud (Medicaid, Child Support, Conspiracy to Defraud)(Penal Code § 15.01)
Conspire to Commit Person to Mental Facility(Penal Code § 571.020)
Conspire to Murder or Cause Injury (Criminal Conspiracy)( Penal Code § 15.02)
False Report of Family Violence (Penal Code § 261.107)
Child Abuse / Neglect False Report (Penal Code § 261.107)
Obstruction or Retaliation (Penal Code § 36.06)
Prevention Detection of Fraud (Perjury to Medical Officer) (Penal Code § 32.0391)
Interfere with Investigation of Abuse / Neglect (Penal Code § 261.3032)
Record of Fraud to the Court (Penal Code § 37.13)
Use of Child for Sales / Solicitation (Penal Code § 51.0145)
False Alarm and Report of Emergency (Penal Code § 42.06)
Lawyers involved in Malpractice and Defamation:
Perjury / Aggravated Perjury (multiple counts during 255th Court trial) (Penal Code§ 37.03)
Fraud (Constructive, Destroy Remove Concealment)(Penal Codes § 15.01, § 37.101, § 32.47)
Conspire to Commit Person to Mental Facility(Penal Code § 571.020)
Child Abuse / Neglect False Report (Penal Code § 261.107)
Obstruction or Retaliation (Penal Code § 36.06)
Exploitation of a Child for Title IV Child Support (Penal Code § 32.53)
Failure to Report Child Abuse (Penal Code § 261.109(b))
False Report Childcare (Penal Code § 42.0447)
Knowingly Fail to Make Required Child Abuse Report (Penal Code § 261.109(a))
Record of Fraud to the Court (Penal Code § 37.13)
Prohibited Conflict of Interest (Penal Code § 305.031)
Failure to Comply with Federal VRA law (§ 122.204) Failure to Protect (§ 22.04)
The Judges involved in Constructive Crimes:
Failure to Report Child Abuse (Penal Code § 261.109(b))
Knowingly Fail to Make Required Child Abuse Report (Penal Code § 261.109(a))
Record of Fraud to the Court (Penal Code § 37.13)
Exploitation of a Child for Title IV Child Support (Penal Code § 32.53)
Obstruction or Retaliation (Penal Code § 36.06)
Failure to Comply with Federal VRA law (Penal Code § 122.204)
Failure to Protect (Penal Code § 22.04)
Failure to follow: Texas Family Code - FAM § 264.123 and
Texas Code Of Criminal Procedure - CRIM P Art. 63.0091 Art. 63.0091. Law Enforcement Requirements Regarding Reports Of Certain Missing Children.
Multiple other state and federal officials may also be held accountable, for punishment as well, due to victims' damages and victims' rights laws in this landmark VRA case. The victim father is seeking restitution and settlement for his victim daughter even after he was estranged, defamed, defrauded, and almost killed, or "finished off" in jail/mental institution multiple times, due to his heroic character in the cases. It is reported that the victim father was forced to fight for his and his victim daughter's life multiple times, at gunpoint, due to the said fraud. The victims are currently awaiting decisions by the Federal Supreme Court, DA of TX, AG of TX, and actions from law enforcement collectively to see each other. The criminal mother estranged the victim child from her victim father and then claimed "he was dead" to the victim child according to trial records. The Pro Se victim father, an obvious underdog, has been expected to win in the Federal Supreme Court due to the extreme circumstances in the case which were obvious violations of Federal law. This would finally allow the Pro Se victim father and his victim daughter to re-unite after 2/3s of the young victim child's life without fear of the victim child being harmed for the re-unification.
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Maria Nieves 4694714200 1238 Dalhart