Geneva Switzerland Accused of Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity in Communication to the International Criminal Court

A Communication citing Acts of Genocide and Acts of Crimes Against Humanity has been filed against 76 individuals, as well as against numerous Geneva Governmental Bodies and Geneva Government-Related Institutions at the International Criminal Court.

Geneve, Switzerland May 30, 2024 (  - Approaching nearly seven years of the seizure, forcible transfer and detainment of two young American boys by The Canton and Republic of Geneva, Switzerland, a highly comprehensive, Formal Communication, citing specific Acts of Genocide and specifics Acts of Crimes Against Humanity, has been filed against 76 individuals, as well as against numerous Geneva Governmental Bodies and Geneva Government-Related Institutions, with the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

A, "Communication" to the International Criminal Court is the legal equivalent of a Criminal Complaint.

Neal David Sutz, the author of the Communication to the ICC, notes that his Communication does not name any Swiss Federal Government Bodies, nor Swiss Federal Government individuals, other than one former Swiss Federal employee, as Perpetrators.

Sutz says, "People may think that, 'Acts of Genocide and Acts of Crimes Against Humanity' only happen in The Middle East and in 'Third World Countries,' but the facts of my family's case and the shocking, irrefutable Evidence contained within the 14 Evidence Folders which accompany my Communication to the ICC, including one large, multi-media Evidence Folder containing graphic Evidence for the ICC's consideration, all prove that even in the 'Modern World,' even in Geneva, Switzerland, known as the, 'World Capital of Human Rights,' these kinds of crimes can occur and actually are occurring on this very day, systematically and widespread, leaving those of us who speak out against these crimes and exposing the perpetrators of these crimes, being systematically targeted and often criminally charged or even imprisoned for doing nothing more than telling and showing the truth."

The story of the initial seizure, first forcible transfer and subsequent detainment of Mr. Sutz's two sons began as a direct result of a single, defamatory letter written by the birth family of Mr. Sutz's deceased ex-wife, a letter which was addressed to Interpol, then one to the U.S. Embassy in Bern, then transferred to the Geneva Police and then to the Geneva Child Protective Services.

Sutz, having reached as high as the Supreme Court of Switzerland in his attempts to have his two sons returned to him, as well as his having fulfilled all the obligations and qualifications to merit his sons' return to him, further states, "No matter what I did to work with the Geneva child 'protection' system, no matter how many lawyers proved my innocence regarding the absurd, false accusations against me and no matter how many psychiatrists, after seeing five of them for hundreds of hours of appointments since 2017, all testified to the Geneva Family Court that I have no psychiatric problems and am not in any way a danger to my two sons, no efforts made moved the Judicial System towards my only goal which was and still remains the immediate and unconditional return to me of my two sons."

Sutz continued, "In addition to the varied physical and psychological abuses committed against my sons, the course of their forcible transfer to and their detainment by The Canton and Republic of Geneva has had their Bible, their crucifix necklaces, their photos of Jesus, their clothes, their toys, their bedsheets, their stuffed animals, their photo albums, their children's books about Faith, God and Christianity, as well as so much more of what belonged to my two, dear sons, all seized from them by the Educators of the group home and the Child Protective Services, not to mention my sons' right to mourn the death of their mother, to pray with their father, to speak and maintain their native language of American English but also the two victims' rights to maintain any real memory of their native, American culture."

Mr. Sutz further stated, "As my sons' only remaining living parent, every demand which I have made and those which were made by numerous 3rd parties to the Geneva Investigative and Prosecutorial Authorities in the course of my two sons' nearly 7-year, abusive, alienating, anti-humanitarian detainment, have literally either disappeared from Geneva Investigative and Prosecutorial records or have been systematically ignored. Because of that, I was forced, as the hardest decision of my life, to leave Switzerland last August and publicly expose what had happened and is still happening to my sons and precisely who is involved. I had hoped these public efforts would have been the path to oblige the Geneva Authorities to immediately and unconditionally return my sons to me. I even implored, via the Office of the Geneva Cantonal Mediator, directly to the implicated Parties and Decision Makers in my family's case, to collaborate with me and mediate a peaceful, legal and confidential resolution to this entire matter, but even that effort was refused by those detaining, abusing, covering up and colluding in the diverse abuses being committed against my sons. What Geneva has chosen to do, rather than seek peace, offer justice and do the right thing, is to aggressively retaliate and seek the total destruction of my two sons, myself and what remains of our little family."

Mr. Sutz continued, “In my Communication to the ICC, a massive, legal project which took me more than five months to research, write, organise and submit to the ICC, a comprehensive Communication which is comprised of a highly-structured, 21-page Cover Letter, 13 Evidence Folders containing detailed, indexed, graphic, irrefutable proofs, as well as an additional, comprehensive, multi-media Evidence Folder, I believe I have accurately and completely fulfilled all of the ICC’s legal requirements for Admissibility and Jurisdiction. What happened and is still happening to my two sons is the most extreme, corrupt case of its kind in Geneva and at the same time, the case which I have presented to the ICC is so horribly similar, when speaking of the crimes committed against my two sons, to so many other cases in The Canton and Republic of Geneva, Switzerland. The crimes are systematic and widespread.”

Mr. Sutz states that if the unlawful, abusive detainment of his sons is not brought to a very rapid end, meaning the immediate and unconditional return to him of his two sons, his sons unquestionably risk another forcible transfer or forcible transfers and possible separation from one another in the coming weeks.

Sutz concluded by saying that as of today's date, May 21, 2024, all the Parties to his family's case in Geneva are, in his words, "radio silent, non-responsive to any and all of my communications and planning God only knows what at this point regarding that they will be soon be doing with my sons in the coming weeks, nor how Geneva will choose to unlawfully retaliate against me personally for having taken this legal action at the ICC."

Mr. Sutz may be contacted via Transparency In Media by journalists, politicians and human rights organisations who wish to have a copy of the full, detailed, 7-page Press Release which further details his Communication to the International Criminal Court at The Hague.


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Categories : Family , Government , Legal , Religion
Tags : child , chidren , adoption , genocide , crimes against humanity , child protective services , geneva , switzerland

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