Getting To Know Mavis D. Nobleman

Gilgil, Central Dec 29, 2021 (  -  Mavis D. Nobleman. 80’s film buff. Idealist. A Sudanese-American film director. A simple guy who’s somewhat obsessed with the art of storytelling. The process hasn’t always been easy, but surely exciting. I’ve been fortunate enough to produce and direct a few short films. HONEY, Night Gaunts, Cosa Nostra, and The Picture Of Johnathon Laslow. He was introduced to the cinema at a young age after stumbling into a small DIY movie theatre in Kenya. The fascination was always there, but so were the uncertainties. His family migrated to this Country the last summer of my thirteen birthday (early 2006). The process was a bit on the hectic side because it was a life-altering experience and event. Here they are in an unfamiliar part of the world. Surely, anyone would feel the anxiousness and the feeling of uncertainty that came with that big change. He came from a family of six so, It didn’t take long to adjust. He managed to get bearings and continues to lead lives as he saw fit. Nobleman always thought of life as a serious battle, and he had to use the tools he was given instead of worrying about what he can or can’t do. In the meantime,  Nobleman didn’t realize about filmmaking until his Junior year of High School. He found himself watching an absurd amount of films one summer and fell deeper into his obsession with filmmaking. At first, it was a lingering feeling of wanting to act in a movie, but that obsession and thought-provoking films led to him wanting to give filmmaking ago in general. Nobleman was easily bored so, it was hard to keep his attention for long. But, it seems like he was never bored whenever he’s watching a movie, writing a script or simply making one. It’s something he was taken a liking to and intends on pursuing for the rest of his life. He is also directing his debut feature in April of 2022 so, that is going to be exciting. It’s entirely self-funded. A good story with a reliable crew behind it. He got here due to hard work and being fortunate enough to run into some of the most supportive souls he became to know. Nobleman states,  “We've all lost something, and I've seen what loss can do to people. But if we gave up every time we lost, then we'd never be able to move forward”. Filmmaking was his way of telling the stories that needed to be told. Nobleman's ambition was simply to direct movies on a higher level.

Success and the Challenges Mavis Nobleman has

 Mavis Nobleman states,

“Unfortunately, there’s no easy path when it comes to filmmaking. It’s nothing, but problem-solving. I’ve run into all sorts of problems, but the biggest one is usually finding ways to budget for some of the projects. If you want something created that nobody's ever seen before, it should be by your hands. No one is going to trust a newcomer with an absurd amount of money. That’s why I fund my own projects in hopes of improving and proving myself as a film director. You know, society always looks down on those people who spend all their time dreaming and don't actually achieve anything, but then you look at a guy who’s doing the same thing you aspire to do. And wonder why not”?

The best piece of advice Mavis Nobleman has for readers who desire to find success in life as he states,

“There may only be one road ahead, but with the right plan, anything is possible. It’s not easy work but being persistent and consistent is important. Be your truest self and the rest will follow”.

Mavis Nobleman just opened a production company called 744 Film Productions. Our focus is SCRIPT TO SCREEN SCENE PRODUCTION. His cinematic scenes are fully customizable, tailored to your specific acting type(s) and performance strengths. Basically a starter kit for any aspiring actors. A full package with headshots included as well. Nobleman company wants to make sure whoever they’re working for is prepared and ready to pursue their dreams of theirs. Having a reel and good headshots goes a long way. 

Nobleman states, 

“People are only kind to others only so, that they may receive kindness in return. In this business, a little kindness and self-assurance go a long way. Simply continue to pursue your ambition and do it to the best of your abilities. Hard work certainly pays off”.

Success with Mavis Nobleman


Nobleman loves doing what loves and that’s inspiring others through the art. Nobleman replies, “After all, if you're the best at your art… Well, Nothing is cooler than that. The feeling of being good at something and doing it well.

 What’s next for Mavis Nobleman is getting his feature film out of the way than possibly getting it into one of the big festivals. “SUNDANCE” to be specific. However, he would like to see Netflix pick it up if he is being honest.

You may find Mavis Nobleman on All Social Media Platforms: 

 Instagram: @Mavisnobleman Instagram: @744films
YouTube: Mavis D. Nobleman
YouTube: 744 Films



Media Contact

Jae Amor Ent

Source : Mavis D. Nobleman

Categories : Arts , Business , Entertainment , Industrial , Movies
Tags : arts , film , business , entertainment

Jae Amor Ent

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