Gift A Vision: Free Eye Surgery Program Launched by Harish Jagtani’s HJ Foundation

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic Of The Congo Oct 22, 2020 (  - The World Sight Day was celebrated globally on the 8th October 2020. With a collective initiative by Denise Nyakeru Tshisekedi Foundation and the support of HJ Hospitals, the HJ Foundation, led by Mr. Harish Jagtani launched a program by the name “Gift A Vision”. Always keen on helping the underprivileged and the needy in terms of medical care and aid, Mr. Harish Jagtani dedicated this program to the First Lady of the Country, Mme. Denise Nyakeru Tshisekedi. The program started with the pre-launch activities of recognising and reaching out to the needy and genuine patients who suffer from eye problems such as cataract and glaucoma. Starting from the 1st October, free eye check-up camps were held at locations such as INAV: Institut Nationale Pour Aveugles, UPN and even at Mbujhimayi. The foundation plans to identify such patients not only from the city of Kinshasa but from all parts of the country and bring them to Kinshasa so they can be operated upon in the best of facilities with world-class services and infrastructure at the HJ Hospitals. Similar campaigns would be run in Goma and Lubumbashi as well in the upcoming days.

Till the 15th, the day the program was launched in a grand ceremony by Mme. Denise, the First Lady at the HJ Hospitals which was attended by major embassies, various NGOs, the media and numerous dignitaries from major corporates across the city, the hospital had already registered and screened around 500 patients and had lined up around 60 patients who would be operated during the course of a month. “Cataract and Glaucoma are the two main reasons for blindness all around the world. These can be treated and blindness can be prevented if detected at an early stage” said Dr. Aime Lokolutu, the Medicine Director of the HJ Hospitals Kinshasa.


Media Contact

HJFoundations +243 893 444 444 22309, Boulevard Lumumba, Crossroads Tp / Funa 1ere Rue Limete Industriel, Kinshasa DRC

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Categories : Health
Tags : Harish Jagtani , HJ Foundations
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