Glass is an expression of different languages:

a material that is transformed into harmony of shapes, lines and colors, by Designer Benedetta Brachetti Peretti

  • Glass is an expression of different languages:
  • Glass is an expression of different languages:

milan, Lombardy Mar 4, 2020 (  - Benedetta Brachetti Peretti has always had a passion for glass objects, which is expressed in the design and study of raw materials. As a teenager, she began to draw objects with her own well-defined style, which she continued over the years until it became her job. Over time, she refined her artistic ability and creativity, starting to draw, glasses, carafes, vases, table boxes, with precious materials such as Murano glass. In fact, her creations are also made by the Murano masters. Over the years, she has improved the glass artwork in relief, a technique which consists in the creation of signs and shadows carved with silicon, on the surfaces of the object. The result of the engravings is the exaltation of the brightness and transparency of the glass itself through the material and through the light and its reflections.

Her current collection mainly sees "color" and "geometry" applied to furnish and design elements to be placed in any environment. Coffee Tables in fire-colored glass and hand-engraved, one by one, recalling the design of ancient “tapestries” in silk velvet.
Another passion of the designer are "tables" enriched by objects also in engraved glass and, in particular flowers and leaves conceived to be able to create, with the imagination, a table center custom made and different each time, adding or changing the number of various pieces. All transparent so as to adorn and not weigh down. "Each component can vary and thus create various settings" affirms Benedetta Brachetti Peretti "this collection really wants to expand the ways of home furnishing.

Among the various objects that Benedetta creates, there is the photophore, which she prefers in a particular way, over the years she has been inspired by various subjects, from floral motifs to ancient fabrics.

One of her collections called “Geometrie” is composed of creations worked in different ways, such as Pedro, Greco, Metropolis and Scacchi. Each one was born from the suggestions of the architectures and compositional lines that the artist perceived during her visits to different cities. In particular, Pedro from the impressions that Benedetta took while visiting Lisbon, Greco while visiting Vienna, Metropolis from the memories of New York and finally, Chess, from the suggestion of the rationalist architectures that characterize the city of Berlin.

Where to find the Designer’s creations in London: Debonnaire Von Bismarck Ltd., 59 Egerton Gardens, London, UK. 



Media Contact

CM & Partners +39 02 620227242 Via finocchiaro aprile, 14 - Milan - Italy

Source : BB Oggetti d’Arte S.r.l

Categories : Architecture , Arts , Home
Tags : glass handicraft objects , home interiors , designers , Murano glass , Italian Handicraft , Benedetta Brachetti Peretti , BB Oggetti d’Arte

CM & Partners

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