Go download and stream “Rose from the dead” today now OUT and available on all streaming platforms

New York City, New York Jun 16, 2020 (Issuewire.com)  - “Rose from the dead” single by Jrose Y.P.B.L TheOnly, The band is released as of today and is now available on all major music streaming platforms like iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music and many more...

Go download and start streaming today!

For show bookings contact: bobrieftaxi@gmail.com

For song features contact: bobrieftaxi@gmail.com

Social Media sites included:
Instagram: BigJrose
Facebook: Jenna Jrose
Twitter: Jrose Y.P.B.L TheOnly 

Prices are subject to vary depending on the service requested. Please email for more information. “Rose from the dead” single by Jrose Y.P.B.L TheOnly is out NOW! Go download and stream today.

NOW available on all major music streaming platforms like iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music and many more...


Media Contact

Jrose Y.P.B.L TheOnly *****@gmail.com 646-948-2237 http://www.instagram.com/bigjrose
Categories : Entertainment , Music
Tags : Jrose , Jrose Y.P.B.L TheOnly , rose from the dead , jrose juice , jenna jrose , jenna mallett

Jrose Y.P.B.L TheOnly


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