New York City, New York May 9, 2021 ( - There is a man who claims he is God The Father Jehovah Himself and has 100% solid signs that he is Jehovah from the Holy Bible itself. One cannot deny that His signs are NO coincidence AT ALL. They are 100% obviously "SOME-THING". He claims to have great supernatural powers and that he has done miracles. God is here, people. He is walking among us. Where? I don't know.
He claims that he was also Solomon and Joseph from The Bible and has powerful evidence of this that is quite undeniable. He has great, REV-O-LUTIONARY, ground-breaking wisdom on Good and Evil, so powerful that it will make you see the lack of hipness/Good in evil itself immediately.
He was born on May 17, 1987, on Wall St. and was raised in now clearly amazing, exceptionally Classic-seeming Mott Ave., Far Rockaway, Queens NY which JUST so even HAPPens to be the first stop on the "A" Train itself in the NYC Subway, so the first train.
His location is undisclosed. He claims he is hiding out.
His biological father is Jesus Christ Himself he claims, whose government name is the holiest name of God: "Yahawah", last name: "Elohaiam", and that he is Jesus' 2nd coming itself.
Joseph Gordon claims to be Messiah Ben-Joseph, a prophesied end times messiah you can research and even see in Wikipedia. He claims to be about to make us all Immortal.
In an attached picture here, you can see his birthday "May "17" in the year 20"17" with the "17" in the very middle of the month. Literal Time Now: 3:16 AM, like John 3:16. You may know that "17" is an extremely lucky number involving Jehovah's number "7". And luck's number.
Here is Joseph Gordon's Instagram Account:
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Joseph Hightower Gordon *****