Guavate school wall will be transformed into an open-air museum about Cayenne prints

New York City, New York Jul 22, 2021 (  - Students, teachers, artists, merchants, and residents of Guavate, in Cayey, join forces in an initiative called #GuavArte to transform the retaining wall that borders the Gerardo Sellés Solá School of the said community into an “open-air museum” with individual prints that will recreate the lechoneras of the area and aspects of the history of said municipality. In addition to turning this obsolete space into an artistic one, this project will try to promote tourism and the economic development of the area.

Within the Renacer Cayeyano concept, as proposed by #GuavArte, the mural will begin at the curve of the school with a landscape of the Lighthouse of Knowledge, the Puerto Rico flag, and the Cayey shield that is illuminated with the sun rising between the mountains of La Sierra de Cayey. In addition, they will recreate the source of the rivers (contemplating that Cayey means "where the water is born"). This natural landscape will express the flora and fauna of the municipality (golden coqui, maga flower, parrot, harlequin butterfly, oak, pine forest, etc.).

This will be followed by landscapes, monuments, and famous people by adding the Monument to the Jíbaro, the "Tetas de Cayey" and Ramón Frade and his famous image. Later, structures of the plans of the old houses, the cane and tobacco plantations, the sugar mill, the valleys, and the Jamaican Train found in the Las Vegas dairy, among others, will be placed. Also found are petroglyphs that demonstrate the indigenous culture.

The past will be fused with the present with the gastronomic culture that identifies Guavate with typical Christmas pictures that include jíbaros dancing bomba and fully, people playing native instruments, and the traditional stove with all the typical food. These will be followed by those of a family that shells pigeon peas, the grandmother assembling cakes, the grandfather spinning the pig, boys and girls playing and young people dancing. It includes the interactive space of the silhouettes in movement with the clothes of the vejigantes, jibaritos, bomba, and fully.

The collective will highlight all of the above with various art techniques such as painting, mosaic, and fresco, among others. An outstanding fact is that with this work the Chromatic Pyramidism or style of colors will be introduced in Puerto Rico whose visual form suggests harmony, breakdown, and contrasts promoted by the Mexican artist Ernesto Ríos and his Ecuadorian colleague Gonzalo Gotassi Silva, from the World Organization of Artists. Both will visit the Island from August 9 to 15.

Specifically, the artist and art teacher, Sheila E. Ríos Vélez, reflected in a recent meeting the phases of the project, whose tasks to be carried out include scraping, cleaning, and sowing to preparing the wall with a “primer” after cleaning. He also indicated that sketches are made and ideas are presented to be painted, among other works.

He explained that the retaining wall is 611 feet long, whose height varies depending on the area divided between phases. He established that each phase has six 25-foot sections. Added to this is 150 feet of work for each phase, excluding the fourth, which measures 161 feet.

Likewise, the teacher and artist Jaime Suárez explained in said meeting that they began with a cleaning of the wall because it has many layers of paint. A ditch will be worked in the upper part of the wall to divert runoff water and prevent it from falling on the wall. Plants will be planted upstairs to avoid corrosion of the land and prevent sedimentation from accumulating again on the wall fence.

He explained that after having the wall clean, a white "primer" based on sealer-primer and paint, for exterior and acrylic, will be applied. Meanwhile, Ríos Vélez recommended the use of the primary colors yellow, red, and blue “that are of pure color and that the paint is not mixed with white. With these colors the secondary colors are formed: orange, green and violet ”. Similarly, he recommended buying neutral colors black and white.


For her part, Carmen Roig, assistant to the mayor Rolando Ortiz Velázquez, highlighted that this initiative is part of the Conscience 2020 Project. This was formed with the purpose of raising awareness about emotional aspects through the arts, music, the environment, and sports; all within the Escuelas al Día program. In addition, he expressed his support for Francisco Ortiz, from Residents Pro Guavate, for the initiative to integrate the wall into the school.

Carmen Rosado, recreational leader of the Las Vegas sector, reiterated that art will be divided with various themes that bring together all the culture, landscape, flora, fauna, and gastronomy of Cayey, "nothing that has to do with politics or religion".

The participation of Francesca Santiago Soto, creator of the logo; Yaritza Ballester and students Alana Díaz and Valeria Rodríguez Roig, who also raised their suggestions. Works by Joseph Morales were also presented, although he was not present. Even Gotassi Silva and Ríos did the same through teleconference, from their respective countries.

On the other hand, Francisco Ortiz, a resident of Guavate, explained that the idea of ​​developing this initiative began two years ago after noticing that the wall was deteriorating and dirt was falling on it, although it was constantly being painted. He revealed that he spoke with the school principal to find a way to rehabilitate the space by “painting it more beautiful”, but the principal suggested the mural to him. He expressed feeling pleased "by the speedy way that is happening", with the ideas that the community contributes. The initiative drew the attention of other countries, such as Brazil.

People interested in providing materials or making a donation should contact Ortiz at (787) 554-8611. For those who wish to join in this effort, it is recommended to wear suitable clothes and shoes for cleaning and painting, gloves, water, and a snack on the dates indicated for work. Additional information about this movement:; on Facebook: GuavArte; Instagram, guavarte.



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Source : AM3 PRESS

Categories : Arts , Education , Event , Human resources , Society
Tags : education , art
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