Happypillar app wins prestigious 2022 National Parenting Product Awards

Austin, Texas Oct 22, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - Happypillar, a leading digital therapeutic app, announced today that it has won Best App in the 2022 National Parenting Product Awards (NAPPA). Celebrating its 31st year, NAPPA is one of the leading and longest-running awards organizations in the country. The NAPPA awards take place annually, showcasing the best products for families.

Happypillar brings evidence-based mental health support to families everywhere. “We leverage machine learning and licensed clinical play therapists to provide parent coaching and real-time personalized feedback,” says Mady Mantha, CTO and co-founder.

Happypillar doesn’t have waitlists or require insurance. Its methods result in significantly improved behavior, reduced caregiver frustration, and a happier, calmer family. “This is an amazing app. The app is teaching parents and monitors what they are doing (awesome technology). I like that the program is evidence-based and there is clear research behind the program.” said NAPPA’s evaluation team. 

“It’s an honor to be recognized by NAPPA,” says Sam Gardner, CEO, and Cofounder. “Being a parent today is demanding. Families need access to affordable and actionable support. This award is a testament to the skill, ingenuity, and vision of our team.”

Happypillar raised over $570K in a pre-seed round, including investments from Rana el Kaliouby (CEO, Affectiva and GP, AI Operators Fund), Rob May (CTO, Dianthus, and GP, AI Operators Fund).

Sign up for a free trial or get early access to Happypillar.



Media Contact

Happypillar hello@happypillar.com https://happypillar.com
Categories : Business , Family , Health , Software , Technology
Tags : apps , awards , family tech , happypillar , parenting , mental health , NAPPA


Being a parent today is hard. Happypillar can help. Our methods result in significantly improved behavior, reduced caregiver frustration, and a happier, calmer family.
Texas, Austin
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