Horsefly Chronicles is Very Dedicated to Helping Their Clients Live a More Fulfilling Life by Promoting Spiritual Peace.

Founders, Julia and Philip Siracusa are Mental Health and Spiritual Coaches who feel the energies in people and animals. They can communicate to the other side with the spiritual realm to get answers and concerns you may have in your life.

Easton, Pennsylvania Jan 23, 2024 (  - Horsefly Chronicles World of Psychics was founded by Julia and Philip Siracusa to give clients the very best services and products on the Market. The company has professional Clairvoyants, Psychic Mediums, Empath, Channeler, and Spiritual advisors who can communicate through the veil with the spirit realm and channel energy needed to be guided with the answers that clients seek. These gifted individuals can communicate with spirits and the universe and receive messages from whom they can guide clients on the right path to clarity and understanding.

They offer an exclusive array of services from Tarot / Oracle readings, Clairvoyant and Psychic Medium readings as well as Zoom Meeting Classes in learning Tarot and Meditation. They also offer services in spell workings to help clients in need of their assistance. Their shop consists of spiritual items such as candles, necklaces, bracelets, stones, and sprays to help their clients with spiritual protection, sleep, and spell workings.

Horsefly Chronicles World of Psychics spiritual advisors can help lead you on a path to serenity, happiness, and success. They can give expert guidance regarding love, marriage, relationships, career, finances, and more.  They can channel spirits and relay messages to the clients. It is difficult to describe what the loss of a family member does to a person. While some people mourn and recover, others have nightmares or develop PTSD. When a loss is particularly brutal such as a suicide, for example, or the death of a child traditional methods of coping, even extreme ones, can fail. This is where spiritual advisors come in.  When that happens, it is not uncommon for the bereaved to call on the help of a group of strangers for solace who have what you might generously call a mixed record of honesty and ethics. They hire Clairvoyants and Psychic mediums.

Julia Siracusa is a professional Clairvoyant Psychic, a powerful Empath, and a Medium. She can help heal physical afflictions and emotional issues. She communicates with the spirits and the universe and gives messages from them that will guide you on the right path to clarity and understanding. Julia is an Eclectic Witch and a natural-born Empathic Healer.

Philip Siracusa is a professional Medium, Empath, Channeler, and Spiritual Advisor. He can communicate through the veil with the spiritual realm and channels the energy needed to be guided with the answers that you seek.  Phil has been helping others connect to the other side for around 30 years.

Christina Corsetti has Claircognizance abilities, she has a sense of knowing, an Intuitiveness that allows her to receive messages from the Universe and she will guide you through a Tarot/Oracle Reading that was meant for you to see. When you want something, the universe conspires to help you to achieve it. Christina captivates messages from the Universe to help you on your spiritual Journey. Christina is a Solitary Witch and a natural-born healer.

Mary LaFrancesa is a Psychic Medium. Her gift was known to her family at a young age. It was her father who encouraged her to do readings for her family members. Since then she has continued to do readings for many people and has much experience under her belt.

In conclusion, the Horsefly Chronicles World of Psychics Company is well dispersed in many areas spiritually, and compared to the spiritual market of Psychics, they are inexpensive from other companies to help maintain an affordable price to help their clients. Not only are you getting expert Spiritual Advisors for your readings, but you are also saving money, and in today’s world that is key!


Media Contact

Horsefly Chronicles World of Psychics 1-484-241-8567
Categories : Education
Tags : Horsefly Chronicles , World of Psychics , Spiritual Advisors , Clairvoyant , Psychic Medium , Tarot Reader , Readings , Products

Horsefly Chronicles World of Psychics

Horsefly Chronicles World of Psychics is very dedicated to helping their clients live a more fulfilling life by promoting spiritual peace.
Pennsylvania, Easton
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